When you send funds to your account, it is possible to use them before the value date. Funds become available immediately for further operations as soon as they appear in your Transactions not booked under Account details - click the information 'i' icon on the right side of the account number.
The amount booked will move from Transactions not booked to Cash balance on the following day.
Note The use of cash before the value date will have an impact on the interest calculation as interest is calculated on the value dated cash balance and not posting date (value date and posting date of a cash transaction are visible in your account statement). In case you have negative Net Free Equity on the account, you will be charged negative interest. |
When a withdrawal is made immediately after closing a trade, then the funds can only be used after the accrued positions have settled. You will receive funds on or after the value date in your external bank account.
Please note, the value date for the withdrawn funds is generated only after the settlement of the position.