With a Saxo account, you can place stop orders on ETOs.
Facts about the stop orders on ETOs that we offer at the moment
The stop order will trigger if one of the 3 conditions is met:
- A Stop order to buy (or sell) will be triggered if two consecutive quoted offer (or bid) prices are greater (or less) than or equal to the specified price level.
- A Stop order to buy (or sell) will be triggered if the quoted offer (or bid) price is greater (or less) than or equal to the specified price level and the offer (or bid) size increases.
- A Stop order to buy (or sell) will be triggered if the quoted bid (or offer) price is greater (or less) than or equal to the specified price level.
The trigger mechanism is designed to prevent triggering a stop based on a sudden widening of the price, but will also not prevent triggering the order if prices reflect market conditions.
When opening a trade ticket on an ETO, click on the order type to select Stop or Stop Limit.