To understand how to fund your Saxo Markets trading account from your bank account, please watch this video or follow the instructions outlined below.
Please note that these bank details are for Private Accounts only and cannot be used for SIPP accounts.
It may take a few days for funds to reach your Saxo Markets account. Please ensure that funds originate from an account in your name or joint names and note that payments from third parties will be rejected.
To fund your account in GBP, please see our bank details below.
Currency: | GBP (Pound Sterling). Please find instructions to fund your account in other currencies here. |
Payee: | Saxo Capital Markets UK Ltd |
Bank details: |
Citibank London, UK UK Swift ID CITIGB2LXXX Sort Code: 18-50-08 Account number: 13005828 IBAN GB62CITI18500813005828 |
Ref: | [Your Saxo Client ID] |
Once your payment is complete, Saxo will securely hold your bank details on file to accommodate any future withdrawals that you request.