When placing an order you may see an error message stating that the order cannot be placed. There are a number of potential reasons why any particular order has been rejected.
While we continuously work on providing clarity when this happens, please find a list of common errors for rejected orders and explanations for why this may have happened below:
Exposure cannot be increased due to client configuration
Exposure cannot be increased due to instrument configuration
Trade would exceed available margin. Review your positions and orders
Your have insufficient funds to place this trade
Market orders, placed while the market is closed
Exposure cannot be increased due to client configuration |
Reason: You have probably received a request from Saxo to update your personal details and there are some actions needed from your side. What can you do?: Read I get the message "Exposure cannot be increased due to client configuration". What should I do? |
Exposure cannot be increased due to instrument configurationOR Key Information Document (KID) is not available. You cannot trade this instrument as a Retail Client |
Reason: The instrument you are trying to trade might have certain restrictions or limitations. Among others, these are the most common reasons:
What can you do?: For ETFs and PTPs read the article suggested above to know more. Unfortunately, no solution can be provided for the instruments that can only be reduced. |
Trade would exceed available margin. Review your positions and orders |
Reason: The trade would result in a too high margin utilisation given the exposure and cash availability in the account you are placing the trade from. What can you do?:
You have insufficient funds to place this trade |
Among others, these could be the reasons:
Market orders, placed while the market is closed |
They might be rejected due to the fact that the system will calculate an additional cash buffer, based on the instrument's risk rating, that must be available in order to buy shares. Please place a limit order instead in such a case, as the limit price will provide a maximum purchase price.
Summary Before the system allows any client to submit an order, there are a few pre-checks in place. These pre-checks try to ensure that clients: