We recommend the following best practices to keep your Saxo Account secure:
Login credentials/Password
- Never share the passwords to your important online services, these include but are not limited to your email, banking, and Saxo account. Saxo will never ask you to share your password through email or by any other means (e.g. Phone, chat, SMS)
- Create unique and secure passwords for each platform: by using individual passwords for each access point, you can limit your exposure to fraud.
- In general, the longer your password is – the better. Make sure to mix both lower and upper-case letters, symbols and characters.
- The password should not be based on guessable information such as your login ID, phone number, birthday, or other personal information.
- Change your password regularly
- Do not write down or save your Saxo or any other credentials in browsers as this subjects them to malware attacks.
- Only reset Password or retrieve your login credentials from our website: home.saxo
- The URL always starts with https://www.home.saxo/accounts/password-reset
Here you have examples of valid pages:
Log in securely from your trusted device
- With our two-factor authentication, you can only log in from devices you have chosen to trust; otherwise, you will verify each login with an SMS code. Read more Adding a trusted device to your Saxo account
- The URL always starts with https://www.home.saxo/accounts/password-reset
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