You can transfer funds between sub-accounts by using the Sub-Account transfer module.
Please note that MYR cannot do sub-account transfer.
- SaxoTraderGO: click Sub-account transfer
- SaxoInvestor: click Sub-account transfer
- SaxoTraderPRO: click main menu > deposit and transfers > sub-account transfer
Or, follow the steps below:
- Choose the account you wish to transfer funds from
- Choose the receiving account
- Choose the currency and amount
If you transfer from (for example) SGD account to USD account, you can choose to transfer 100 SGD over to USD account. The transfer window will tell you the conversion rate and how much cash you will have in USD account after the transfer.
Or if you want to receive exactly 100 USD in your USD account you can choose to transfer 100 USD over and the system will deduct the right amount of SGD from SGD account. Simply choose the right currency and amount you want to transfer/withdraw.
The indicative conversion rate will be clearly shown when you transfer.
There is no transfer fee, however, a 0.25% conversion fee applies when transferring in different currencies. Please refer to our website for more information or you can refer to this article to see how it's calculated.
To ensure more transparency in the foreign exchange rates you receive on transactions, cross-currency sub-account transfers are only available during trading hours.
You may encounter that the sub account transfer service is not available during weekends.
Saxo is open for trading 24 hours a day 5½ days a week, opening on Monday morning in Australia (05:04 Sydney time) and closing on Friday evening (16:59 Eastern Standard Time).
I DO NOT have a Sub-Account Transfer module available on the trading platform or for some reason I cannot perform the transfer.
In some cases, the Sub-account transfer module is not available. Please first check if you have the Withdraw funds module under Deposits and Transfers. If you do not have either Withdraw funds module or Sub-account transfer it's possible that you need to provide certain documents to activate the modules.
If you have Withdraw funds module but do not have Sub-account transfer module, please try a different browser or device to see if you can see them both.
Please contact us to get support if you still cannot perform the sub account transfer.
You may also want to know:
Why the amount at "Available for transfer" is less than the cash I see in the account?