When a company is delisted from an exchange, shares of that company are no longer traded on that particular exchange. This can happen by choice when the company decides to go private for example, or involuntarily, if the company doesn't meet the exchange filing requirements or the per-share value drops below the exchange minimum, for instance.
If you hold a delisted stock, that will be indicated in the position list, where the stock name will contain the word Delisted.
It may not be necessary for you to take any action. There are many possible scenarios, for example, the stock issuer may still have some corporate actions after the delisting.
How to remove a worthless security from my portfolio?
Since holding delisted shares is sometimes not a desirable situation, Saxo can provide some assistance in most cases.
If you hold a delisted position and would like to remove it from your portfolio, this is where you can submit your request:
SaxoTraderGO: click
> Request Account services > Transfer/Closure of Positions at Zero Value
Saxo Investor: click
> Request Account services > Transfer/Closure of Positions at Zero Value
SaxoTraderPRO: click
> Request Account services > Transfer/Closure of Positions at Zero Value
Read before you submit your request