En raison de la nouvelle législation et des nouvelles réglementations, élaborées par le US Securities and Exchange Act, l'éventail des titres disponibles sur le marché de gré à gré (OTC) sera réduit.
Certains sous-marchés, qui relèvent de la bourse de gré à gré, ne seront donc plus disponibles à l'achat en mai 2021. Vous pourrez cependant toujours vendre vos actions.
Ce changement concerne les titres cotés sur les segments suivants du marché de gré à gré :
- Foreign shares market
- Grey market
- Expert market
- Pink No information market
- Pink Limited information market (concerne seulement les actions avec un cours moins de 0.01$)
Les actions suivantes ne sont plus achetables depuis cette nouvelle législation.
Action | ISIN |
12 Retech Corp -OTCPK- | US90118L2025 |
141 Capital Inc -OTCPK- | US6823472088 |
1st NRG Corp -OTCPK- | US32114B3096 |
48North Cannabis Corp -OTCPK- | CA34978F1036 |
5GN Networks-OTCPK- | AU0000005GN9 |
6D Global Technologies -OTCPK- | US83002F1003 |
8000 Inc -Grey- | US28251Q1094 |
88 Energy Ltd -OTCPK- | AU00000088E2 |
A Classified AD Inc -Grey- | US00089Y1091 |
A Clean Slate Inc -OTCPK- | US00089L1070 |
A1 Group Inc -OTCPK- | US03740J1079 |
A2 Milk Company Ltd -OTCPK- | NZATME0002S8 |
Able Energy Inc -Grey- | US0037091024 |
Accelera Innovations -OTCPK- | US00434W1053 |
Accentia Biopharmaceuticals Inc -Grey- | US00430L1035 |
Achaogen Inc -OTCPK- | US0044491043 |
Active Health Foods Inc -OTCPK- | US0050513052 |
Acusphere Inc -OTCPK- | US00511R8549 |
Adaptive Medias Inc -OTCPK- | US00652J2087 |
Adino Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US00687R1005 |
Advanced Life Sciences Holdings -OTCPK- | US00765H3057 |
Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd -OTCPK- | CA00765F1018 |
Advantego Corp -OTCPK- | US00775N1028 |
Advanz Pharma Corp Ltd-OTCPK- | JE00BJVH6L55 |
Adynxx Inc -OTCPK- | US00784D1037 |
AER Energy Resources Inc -Grey- | US0009442072 |
Affinity Beverage Group Inc -Grey- | US00831F1012 |
Affinor Growers Inc -OTCQB- | CA00830Q1081 |
Affirmative Insurance Holdings -OTCPK- | US0082721061 |
Affymax Inc -OTCPK- | US00826A1097 |
Aftermath Silver Ltd -OTCQB- | CA00831V2057 |
Afterpay Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000APT1 |
AgraFlora Organics Internation -OTCPK- | CA00851F1062 |
Agrieuro Corp -Grey- | US00853R1086 |
AgriMinco Corp -OTCPK- | CA00855X1033 |
AgriSolar Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US00855Q1085 |
Aim Exploration Inc -OTCPK- | US00887T3023 |
Airborne Sec & Protect Serv Inc -OTCPK- | US00927Q1022 |
Airborne Wireless Network -OTCPK- | US00928L3006 |
Airspan Networks Inc -OTCPK- | US00950H3003 |
AirTrona International Inc -OTCPK- | US00950T1060 |
Alaska Pacific Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US0117584062 |
Alderon Iron Ore Corp -OTCPK- | CA01434T1003 |
Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCQB- | CA01559R1038 |
Alibaba Health Info Tech Ltd -OTCPK- | BMG0171K1018 |
Alimco Financial Corporation -OTCPK- | US01626K2069 |
Alkane Inc -OTCPK- | US01642L1052 |
All American Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US01643V1026 |
All American Pet Company Inc -OTCPK- | US01644F1066 |
All Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US01663B1017 |
All For One Media-OTCPK- | US01663M1071 |
All Grade Mining Inc -Grey- | US01663A2024 |
Allegiant Prof Business Srv Inc -OTCPK- | US01749A1016 |
Alliance Growers Corp -Grey- | CA01861C1095 |
Allied Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US0191531054 |
Allied Security Innovations Inc -OTCPK- | US01951W2052 |
Alltemp Inc -OTCPK- | US02012P1066 |
Alpha Wastewater Inc -OTCPK- | US02079E1010 |
Alseres Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US0211522026 |
Altavoz Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US02155N1081 |
Alternative Energy Development -Grey- | US02152D1037 |
Alternative Energy Partners Inc -Grey- | US02152E2000 |
Alternative Fuel Technologies -OTCPK- | US02151Q1058 |
Alterrus Systems Inc -OTCPK- | CA02153P1053 |
AlumiFuel Power Corp -OTCPK- | US0222013056 |
Alvarion Ltd -OTCPK- | IL0010844582 |
Amarantus BioScience Holdings -OTCPK- | US02300U2050 |
Amazing Energy Oil and Gas Corp -OTCPK- | US02314N2053 |
Amazonas Florestal Ltd -OTCPK- | US02314H2085 |
Ambiant Water Corp -OTCPK- | US02319A1097 |
American Defense Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US0253511077 |
American Environmental Energy In -OTCPK- | US02566W1018 |
American Graphite Technologies -OTCPK- | US02640K1079 |
American Green Group Inc -Grey- | US02639T2006 |
American Heritage Int Inc -Grey- | US02650U2015 |
American Leisure Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US02715M1036 |
American Lithium Corp -OTCQB- | CA0272592092 |
American Oriental Bioengineering -OTCPK- | US0287315032 |
American Pacific Mining Corp -OTCQB- | CA0287912004 |
American Pacific Rim Commerce -Grey- | US02879T1007 |
American Petro-Hunter Inc -OTCPK- | US0288571005 |
American Scientific Resources -OTCPK- | US0294413002 |
American Security Resources -Grey- | US0295694071 |
American Transportation Holding -Grey- | US03029A2078 |
Americas Wind Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US03062Y1047 |
Amira Nature Foods Ltd -OTCPK- | VGG0335L2012 |
Anaconda Mining Inc -OTCQX- | CA03240P2070 |
Andatee China Marine Fuel Serv -OTCPK- | US67086W1053 |
Andes Gold Corp. -OTCPK- | US0341972026 |
Andiamo Corp -OTCPK- | US0342062017 |
Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US03674U3005 |
Aoxing Pharmaceutical Co Inc-OTCPK- | US03740A1060 |
Appia Energy Corp -OTCQB- | CA03783B1022 |
Applied Visual Sciences Inc -OTCPK- | US0382871087 |
APT Moto Vox Group Inc -OTCPK- | US00191J1079 |
APT Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US03834Y1010 |
Aquagold International Inc -OTCPK- | US03841Q3074 |
Arcis Resources Corporation -Grey- | US03959D2053 |
Ardea Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000ARL4 |
Arete Industries Inc -OTCPK- | US0400983039 |
Argo Blockchain PLC-OTCQX- | GB00BZ15CS02 |
Argo Gold Inc -OTCQB- | CA04016J1021 |
Argonaut Gold Inc -OTCPK- | CA04016A1012 |
Argyle Security Inc -OTCPK- | US0403111026 |
Arista Financial Corp -OTCPK- | US0404051023 |
Aristocrat Group Corp -OTCPK- | US0404432025 |
Armco Metals Holdings Inc -Grey- | US0421822042 |
Arrayit Corp -Grey- | US04269N1072 |
Artec Global Media Inc. -OTCPK- | US04300F1057 |
Artemis Resources Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000ARV3 |
Artificial Life Inc -OTCPK- | US04314Q1058 |
Artistmss International Group -Grey- | US04315X1090 |
Aryx Therapeutics Inc -OTCPK- | US0433871094 |
Ascent Solar Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US0436355079 |
Ascot Resources Ltd -OTCQX- | CA04364G1063 |
Asia Time Corp -OTCPK- | US04519U1097 |
Assured Pharmacy Inc -OTCPK- | US04622L2025 |
Asustek Computer Inc -GDR- -Grey- | US04648R6053 |
Atacama Resources International -OTCPK- | US04651H1068 |
ATC Venture Group Inc -OTCPK- | US00213J1016 |
AtheroNova Inc -OTCPK- | US0474383041 |
Atlantic Energy Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US0485391009 |
Atlantis Internet Group Corp -OTCPK- | US04914U1007 |
Atlantis Technology Group -Grey- | US04915Y3099 |
Atlas Energy Group LLC -OTCPK- | US04929Q1022 |
Atlas Technologies Group Inc -OTCPK- | US0494321070 |
Augusta Gold Corp -OTCQB- | US0512761034 |
Aurcana Silver Corp -OTCQX- | CA0519188035 |
Aurion Resources Ltd -OTCQX- | CA05156F1071 |
Aurora Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US0516422054 |
Aurora Solar Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | CA05207J1084 |
Australian Agricultural Co Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000AAC9 |
Australian Mines Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000AUZ8 |
Australian Vanadium Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000AVL6 |
Auxico Resources Canada Inc -OTCPK- | CA05334L1094 |
Auxly Cannabis Group Inc -OTCQX- | CA05335P1099 |
Avalon Advanced Materials Inc -OTCQB- | CA05337L3048 |
Avatar Ventures Corp -Grey- | US05350B1008 |
AVEW Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US05365X1054 |
Avistar Communications corp -OTCPK- | US05379X2080 |
Avitar -OTCPK- | US0538013048 |
AVP Inc -OTCPK- | US00241A2050 |
Awilco Drilling PLC -OTCPK- | GB00B5LJSC86 |
Axiologix Inc -OTCPK- | US05462T3041 |
Axion Power International -OTCPK- | US05460X4060 |
Axion Ventures Inc -OTCPK- | CA05465L1004 |
Axm Pharma Inc -Grey- | US0024571095 |
Azteca Gold Corp -OTCPK- | CA05501A1003 |
Azure Minerals Ltd -Grey- | AU000000AZS2 |
Bangi Inc -Grey- | US05989W1036 |
Banneker Inc -OTCPK- | US06652L4086 |
Bannerman Resources Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000BMN9 |
Banxa Holdings Inc -OTCQX- | CA06683R1010 |
Banyan Corp/Oregon -OTCPK- | US06682M5094 |
Baron Capital Enterprise Inc -OTCPK- | US06827T1043 |
Barrel Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US0684281019 |
Bassline Productions Inc -OTCPK- | US0702491079 |
Battle North Gold Corp -OTCQX- | CA07160B1067 |
Baytex Energy Corporation -OTCPK- | CA07317Q1054 |
BB Liquidating Inc -A- -OTCPK- | US05532D1072 |
BB Liquidating Inc -B- -OTCPK- | US05532D2062 |
Beacon Redevelopment Industrial -OTCPK- | US07367T3068 |
Bebida Beverage Co.-Grey- | US07557Q4010 |
Beneficial Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US0819092026 |
Bergamo Acquisition Corp -Grey- | US08373X1090 |
Better Plant Sciences Inc -OTCQB- | CA0877371025 |
BetterLife Pharma Inc -OTCQB- | CA08772P2026 |
Bettwork Industries Inc -OTCPK- | US0877661019 |
BevCanna Enterprises Inc. -OTCQB- | CA08783B1013 |
BG Medicine Inc -OTCPK- | US08861T2069 |
Bhang Inc -OTCQB- | CA08862K1057 |
Big Tree Group Inc -Grey- | US0896951003 |
BIGG Digital Assets Inc. -OTCQX- | CA0898041086 |
BioCentric Energy Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US09060S1069 |
Bio-Clean International Inc -OTCPK- | US09057J2006 |
Biohemp International Inc -Grey- | US09076B1052 |
Biomagnetics Diagnostics Corp -OTCPK- | US09062Q1085 |
Biome Grow Inc -OTCQB- | CA09075M1023 |
BioNeutral Group Inc -Grey- | US0906211034 |
BioNitrogen Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US09072R1041 |
BioRestorative Therapies Inc -OTCPK- | US0906554086 |
Biostar Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US0906783016 |
Biozoom Inc -Grey- | US09072T1007 |
BIQI International Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | VGG1288E1034 |
Bitcoin Generation Inc -Grey- | US09175E1091 |
BitFrontier Capital Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US09174L1044 |
BizRocket.com Inc -Grey- | US09179E3036 |
Black Dragon Gold Corp -Grey- | AU0000019465 |
Black Tusk Resources Inc -OTCPK- | CA09226C1023 |
Blackout Media Corp -Grey- | US09250L1017 |
Blockchain Foundry Inc -Grey- | CA09368R1073 |
Blockchain Loyalty Corp -OTCPK- | US09369F1021 |
Blox Inc -OTCPK- | US0952261065 |
Blue Capital Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | BMG1190F1077 |
Blue Energy Ltd -OTCPK- | AU0000044364 |
Blue Lagoon Resources Inc-OTCQB- | CA09564P1036 |
Blue Sphere Corp -Grey- | US09605C3016 |
Blue Water Global Group -OTCPK- | US09609D2062 |
Blueprint Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US09626A1025 |
Bonterra Resources Inc -OTCQX- | CA09852X7018 |
Bon-Ton Stores Inc -OTCPK- | US09776J1016 |
Boreal Water Collection Inc -OTCPK- | US09971P1003 |
Borneo Resource Investments -OTCPK- | US0998761045 |
Boston Carriers Inc -OTCPK- | MHY0941T1192 |
Bots Inc -OTCPK- | PRU0R13K1088 |
Box Ships Inc -OTCPK- | MHY096752016 |
Bragg Gaming Group Inc -OTCQX- | CA1048331088 |
BrainChip Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000BRN8 |
Bravatek Solutions Inc -Grey- | US10568D3026 |
Bravo Enterprises Ltd -Grey- | US10567L1070 |
Brinx Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | US1097031082 |
Britannia Mining Inc -OTCPK- | US11040Y1047 |
Broadcast Marketing Group Inc -OTCPK- | US11132C2008 |
Buildablock Corporation -OTCPK- | US12008D1081 |
Bunker Hill Mining Corp -OTCPK- | US1206132037 |
Burcon NutraScience Corp -OTCQB- | CA1208311029 |
Buyer Group International Inc -OTCPK- | US12428A3041 |
BYD Company Ltd -H- -OTCPK- | CNE100000296 |
BYD Electronic Int'l Co Ltd -OTCPK- | HK0285041858 |
CableClix Inc -OTCPK- | US1268571015 |
Cal Dive International Inc -OTCPK- | US12802T1016 |
CalEthos Inc -OTCPK- | US1295031082 |
Caliber Imaging & Diagnostic Inc -OTCPK- | US13001C1053 |
Californina Grapes Intl Inc -Grey- | US1302661095 |
Calissio Resources Group Inc -OTCPK- | US13088P1021 |
Campbell Resources -Grey- | CA1344226099 |
Canada Rare Earth Corp -OTCPK- | CA1352081063 |
Canadian Palladium Resources Inc -OTCQB- | CA13646R1038 |
CanAlaska Uranium Ltd -OTCQB- | CA13708P2017 |
Cannabix Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | CA13765L1013 |
Cannabusiness Group Inc -Grey- | US1376491098 |
CannaSys Inc -Grey- | US1376512042 |
CannLabs Inc -OTCPK- | US13767T1025 |
Cannon Exploration Inc -Grey- | US1376931077 |
CannTrust Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | CA1378002077 |
Capital Financial Global Inc -OTCPK- | US1401431085 |
Captiva Verde Land Corp -Grey- | CA14075E1007 |
Cardero Resource Corp -OTCPK- | CA14140U2048 |
Cardiol Therapeutics Inc -A- -OTCQX- | CA14161Y2006 |
Carl Data Solutions Inc -OTCQB- | CA1421731037 |
Carrier Alliance Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US1444631063 |
Cascadia Investments Inc -Grey- | US14739W2070 |
CaseyCorp Enterprises Inc -Grey- | US1475261079 |
Catalyst Resource Group Inc -Grey- | US14888Y1038 |
CD International Enterprises Inc -OTCPK- | US12508A3077 |
CD Projekt SA -OTCPK- | PLOPTTC00011 |
CDEX Inc -A- -OTCPK- | US12507E2019 |
CDTi Advanced Materials Inc -OTCPK- | US12514V2043 |
Celadon Group Inc -OTCPK- | US1508381001 |
Celerity Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US15100P1012 |
Cellcom Israel Ltd-OTCPK- | IL0011015349 |
CellCube Energy Storage Systems -OTCPK- | CA15116L1022 |
CellCyte Genetics Corp -OTCPK- | US15116P1030 |
Centor Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US15235P1093 |
Central Wireless Inc -OTCPK- | US15607P1093 |
Cerebain Biotech Corp -OTCPK- | US15672M1062 |
Chalice Gold Mines Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000CHN7 |
Champignon Brands Inc -OTCPK- | CA15850D1006 |
Champion Industries Inc -OTCPK- | US1585202054 |
Changda International Holdings -Grey- | US15910R2067 |
Changing Technologies Inc -Grey- | US15911U1097 |
Chaoda Modern Agriculture Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG2046Q1073 |
Charlotte's Web Holdings Inc -OTCQX- | CA16106R1091 |
Cheetah Oil & Gas Ltd -OTCPK- | US1630762011 |
Chelsea Oil and Gas Ltd -OTCPK- | CA1633841004 |
Cherubim Interest Inc -Grey- | US1648653053 |
Cheyenne Resources Corp -Grey- | US1668711039 |
China Agri-Business Inc -OTCPK- | US16936P1093 |
China Auto Logistics Inc -OTCPK- | US16936J2024 |
China Botanic Pharmaceutical -OTCPK- | US16890Y1047 |
China Cable & Communications Inc -Grey- | US16936M1062 |
China CGame Inc -OTCPK- | US16946P1075 |
China Clean Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US16939E1010 |
China Crescent Enterprises -OTCPK- | US16945G2075 |
China Dasheng Biotechnology Co. -OTCPK- | US16944C1080 |
China Energy Recovery Inc -OTCPK- | US16943V2060 |
China Finance Inc -OTCPK- | US1693781064 |
China Fruits Corp -Grey- | US16938V2034 |
China GengSheng Minerals Inc -OTCPK- | US16942P1012 |
China Gerui Advanced Material -Grey- | VGG211011371 |
China Growth Development Inc -Grey- | US16943H1086 |
China Health Management Corp -OTCPK- | US16939U2042 |
China Health Resource Inc -A- -OTCPK- | US16942M2070 |
China Linen Textile Industr Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG211701167 |
China Marine Food Group Ltd -OTCPK- | US16943R1068 |
China Medicine Corp -OTCPK- | US1694911074 |
China Molybdenum Co -OTCPK- | CNE100000114 |
China Mulans Nano -OTCPK- | US16942C1009 |
China Natural Gas Inc -OTCPK- | US1689102069 |
China New Borun Corp -ADR- -OTCPK- | US16890T1051 |
China New Energy Group Co -OTCPK- | US16944P1093 |
China Power Equipment Inc -OTCPK- | US16944L1089 |
China Precision Steel Inc -OTCPK- | US16941J2050 |
China Rare Earth Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG210891001 |
China Runji Cement Inc -OTCPK- | US16944A1025 |
China Shoe Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US16942K1025 |
China Solar&Clean Energy SoI -OTCPK- | US16943E1055 |
China Sun Group High-Tech Co -OTCPK- | US16943F1021 |
China Techfaith Wireless -ADR- -OTCPK- | US1694242074 |
China TMK Battery Systems Inc-OTCPK- | US1694461013 |
China Zhong Qi Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | US16954X1090 |
Choom Holdings Inc -OTCQB- | CA17040B1013 |
Chromocure -Grey- | US1711271031 |
Church & Crawford Inc -OTCPK- | US1713342046 |
CIBT Education Group Inc -OTCQX- | CA17163Y1025 |
Cielo Waste Solutions Inc -OTCQB- | CA17178G1046 |
Circa Pictures & Production Inc -OTCPK- | US17253V1098 |
Circle Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US17256R1059 |
Circle Star Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US1726811086 |
City Bank -OTCPK- | US17770A1097 |
CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG217651051 |
Clarent Corp -Grey- | US1804611051 |
Clean Power Capital Corp -OTCPK- | CA18452D1069 |
Clicker Inc -Grey- | US18682T3014 |
CloudMD Software & Services Inc -OTCPK- | CA18912C1023 |
Cmark International Inc -OTCPK- | US18975J1016 |
CMTSU Liquidation Inc -OTCPK- | US12601V1098 |
Coastal Cap.Acquisition Corp -OTCPK- | US1904261062 |
Coastal Pacific Mining Corp -OTCPK- | CA19049P1071 |
Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000COB8 |
Code Green Apparel Corp -OTCPK- | US19189Y2072 |
Codebase Ventures Inc -OTCQB- | CA19200Q2099 |
Coin Citadel -OTCPK- | US1925891095 |
Coinsilium Group Ltd -OTCQB- | VGG225641015 |
Colossus Minerals Inc -OTCPK- | CA19681L8024 |
Comepay Inc Corp -OTCPK- | US20036M1071 |
Conforce International Inc -OTCPK- | US20716T1097 |
Connexus Corp -OTCPK- | US2071461014 |
Conolog Corp -OTCPK- | US2082548627 |
Consolidated Capital Of N America-OTCPK- | US2088922081 |
Copper Lake Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | CA21750Y1034 |
Copperbank Resources Corp-OTCPK- | CA2176212009 |
Core Lithium Corp -Grey- | US21871R1023 |
CoreStream Energy Inc -Grey- | US21870T1097 |
CoroWare Inc -OTCPK- | US2198584045 |
Corp-Backed Trust Crts JCP 7% Prf -OTCPK | US21988T2078 |
Corporate Universe Inc -Grey- | US22004M1018 |
Coupon Express Inc -OTCPK- | US2226541058 |
Coyote Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US2240691046 |
CPI Card Group Inc-OTCQX- | US12634H2004 |
Creative Edge Nutrition Inc -Grey- | US22528W2052 |
Cross Click Media Inc -OTCPK- | US2274621083 |
CrowdGather Inc -OTCPK- | US22787P1075 |
CTPartners Executive Search Inc -OTCPK- | US22945C1053 |
CTR Investments & Consulting -OTCPK- | US1264532086 |
CUBA Beverage Co -OTCPK- | US1265241075 |
CurrencyWorks Inc -OTCQB- | US23131W1036 |
Cyberlux Corp -OTCPK- | US23247M2052 |
Cybin Inc -OTCQB- | CA23256X1006 |
Cyclone Power Technologies Inc -Grey- | US23254W1045 |
Daimler AG -OTCPK- | DE0007100000 |
Danakali -OTCPK- | AU000000DNK9 |
Daniels Corporate Advisory Co -OTCPK- | US2362582080 |
Daulton Capital Corp -Grey- | US23821U3005 |
Day Tradexchange Inc -OTCPK- | US23955L1008 |
DBS Group Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | SG1L01001701 |
DBUB Group Inc -OTCPK- | US23306V2034 |
De Grey Mining Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000DEG6 |
DealerAdvance Inc -Grey- | US2422842060 |
Dean Foods Co -OTCPK- | US2423702032 |
Decision Diagnostics Corp -Grey- | US2434431084 |
Deep Earth Resources Inc -Grey- | US24372P1049 |
Deep Field Technologies Inc -A- -Grey- | US2437231036 |
Deep Well Oil & Gas Inc -OTCPK- | US2437981051 |
Deep Yellow Ltd -OTCQX- | AU000000DYL4 |
Deer Consumer Products Inc -OTCPK- | US24379J2006 |
Deer Valley Corp -OTCPK- | US2441962006 |
Defentect Group Inc -OTCPK- | US2446391003 |
Defiance Silver Corp -OTCPK- | CA2447672080 |
Degama Software Solutions Inc -Grey- | US24478T1097 |
Delias Inc -OTCPK- | US2469111015 |
Delivery Technology Solutions -OTCPK- | US2470181049 |
Deltron Inc -Grey- | US2480132032 |
Destination Maternity Corp -OTCPK- | US25065D1000 |
DevMar Equities Inc -OTCPK- | US25178T1097 |
Dewmar International BMC Inc -OTCPK- | US25211R1023 |
Diamant Art Corp -OTCPK- | CA25253R3099 |
Digatrade Financial Corp -OTCPK- | CA25381C1095 |
Digital Brand Media & Marketing -Grey- | US25385H2031 |
Digital Development Group -OTCPK- | US25400A1007 |
Digital Utilities Ventures Inc -OTCPK- | US25400G1076 |
DigitalTown Inc -OTCPK- | US25400E1029 |
DigitalX Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000DCC9 |
DirectView holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US25457N5005 |
Discovery Minerals Ltd -OTCPK- | US25470V1098 |
DJSP Enterprises Inc -Grey- | VGG7982P1045 |
DMG Blockchain Solutions Inc -OTCQB- | CA23345B2003 |
DNA Print Genomics Inc -Grey- | US23324Q2021 |
DNI Metals Inc -OTCPK- | CA23327V2084 |
Dominion Resources Black Warrior -OTCPK- | US25746Q1085 |
Dore Copper Mining Corp -OTCQB- | CA25821T1003 |
Draganfly Inc -OTCQB- | CA26142Q1063 |
Dragon Capital Group Corp -OTCPK- | US26144J1007 |
Drinks Americas Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | US26205U3095 |
Drone Guarder Inc -OTCPK- | US26211L1035 |
Drone Services USA Inc -OTCPK- | US26210M1027 |
Dutch Gold Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US26702V1070 |
DXI Capital Corp -OTCPK- | CA2674731062 |
Dynamic Response Group Inc -OTCPK- | US26800M2070 |
E Med Future Inc -OTCPK- | US26875D1081 |
Ealixir Inc -OTCPK- | US27005B1035 |
Earthworks Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US27032F2002 |
Eastern Asteria Inc -OTCPK- | US2762521035 |
Easton Pharmaceuticals Inc -Grey- | US2777741057 |
Easylink Solutions Corp -OTCPK- | US27785J1025 |
Echo Therapeutics Inc -OTCPK- | US27876L2060 |
Eco Science Solutions Inc -Grey- | US27888G1040 |
Ecolocap Solutions Inc -Grey- | US27888A2069 |
Ecoloclean Industries Inc -Grey- | US27887U1043 |
Eco-Safe Systems USA Inc -OTCPK- | US27885K1088 |
Ecosciences Inc -OTCPK- | US2792192088 |
Ecosphere Technologies Inc -Grey- | US27922X1054 |
Eco-Tek Group Inc -OTCPK- | US27887Y1064 |
Eco-Trade Corp -Grey- | US27887Q1031 |
eFUEL EFN Corp -Grey- | US28224E2090 |
EGPI Firecreek Inc -OTCPK- | US2684874025 |
Ehave Inc -OTCPK- | CA28238M2058 |
Ehouse Global Inc -Grey- | US28239Q2057 |
Ehydrogen Solutions Inc -Grey- | US2824591067 |
Ekwan-X Inc -OTCPK- | US28264Y1073 |
El Capitan Precious Metals -OTCPK- | US2828121069 |
El Maniel International -Grey- | US2832841074 |
eLayaway Inc -OTCPK- | US2841693078 |
Electric Car Company Inc -OTCPK- | US28486A1016 |
Electro Optical Systems -OTCPK- | US2851941060 |
Electronic Sensor Technology Inc -OTCPK- | US2858351040 |
Element Global Inc -OTCPK- | US28618U1088 |
Elite Group Inc -Grey- | US28661E1001 |
Elixinol Global Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000EXL4 |
Elray Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US29015T7028 |
Emerald Health Therapeutics Inc -OTCQX- | CA29102R1064 |
Emmaus Life Sciences Inc -OTCPK- | US29137T1016 |
Enchanted World Inc -OTCPK- | US29252L1070 |
Encompass Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US29256R2094 |
EnCore Energy Corp -OTCQB- | CA29259W1068 |
Encore Energy Systems Inc -Grey- | US29257B1044 |
Encounter Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US29259J3032 |
Endocan Corp -OTCPK- | US29271J1097 |
Energroup Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US29268R2058 |
Energtek Inc -OTCPK- | US29268F1021 |
Energy 1 Corp -OTCPK- | US29271K1060 |
Energy Edge Technologies Corp -OTCPK- | US29269W1045 |
Energy Quest Inc -OTCPK- | US29271F1075 |
Energy Revenue America Inc -OTCPK- | US29272F1066 |
Enertopia Corporation -OTCQB- | US29277Q1076 |
Engine Media Holdings Inc -OTCQB- | CA29287R1038 |
Enova Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US29355M2008 |
EnSync Inc -OTCPK- | US29359T1025 |
Enterra Corp -OTCPK- | US29384T1016 |
Entest Group Inc -OTCPK- | US29383T3005 |
Entourage Mining Ltd -OTCPK- | CA29382M3066 |
Entree Resources Ltd -OTCQB- | CA29384J1030 |
EnviroLeach Technologies Inc -OTCQB- | CA29407V1094 |
EnviroTechnologies Int'l -OTCPK- | US29414X2053 |
Enzyme Environmental Solutions -Grey- | US2941131052 |
EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US29428P1075 |
EPOXY Inc -Grey- | US2942802016 |
E'Prime Aerospace Corporation -Grey- | US2688173010 |
ERHC Energy Inc -Grey- | US26884J2033 |
ESP Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US26913L1044 |
Euro Sun Mining Inc -OTCPK- | CA29872L2066 |
Eurotech Ltd -OTCPK- | US2987963012 |
EV Charging USA Inc -OTCPK- | US26927H1077 |
EVCI Career Colleges Holding -OTCPK- | US26926P3082 |
Eventure Interactive Inc -Grey- | US2997651078 |
Everock Inc -Grey- | US3003984016 |
Evolution Mining Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000EVN4 |
eWellness Healthcare Corp -OTCPK- | US30051D2053 |
eWorldCompanies Inc -OTCPK- | US3005755034 |
ExeLED Holdings Inc -Grey- | US30162U1043 |
Exlites Holdings International -OTCPK- | US30207P2011 |
Exobox Technologies Corp -OTCPK- | US30208Q1094 |
Expo Holding Inc -Grey- | US30216E1064 |
Exro Technologies Inc -OTCQB- | CA30222R1091 |
Extreme Vehicle Battery Tec Corp -OTCPK- | CA30227V1058 |
Eyes On The Go Inc -Grey- | US30233L1098 |
Face Up Entertainment Group Inc -Grey- | US30304D1019 |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | CA3039011026 |
FansUnite Entertainment Inc -OTCQB- | CA30727R1091 |
Far East Wind Power Corp -OTCPK- | US30732T1088 |
Fast Retailing Co Ltd -OTCPK- | JP3802300008 |
FBC Holding Inc -OTCPK- | US30250C2061 |
FBEC Worldwide Inc -OTCPK- | US30255M1009 |
Fernhill Corp -OTCPK- | US3152191058 |
Fidelis Energy Inc -Grey- | US3157461076 |
Field Trip Health Ltd -OTCQX- | CA31656R1029 |
Fieldpoint Petroleum Corp -OTCPK- | US3165701000 |
Fire & Flower Holdings -OTCQX- | CA3181081074 |
Fire River Gold Corp -OTCPK- | CA31811Q3044 |
Firemans Contractors Inc -OTCPK- | US3181772019 |
Firma Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US31832R1095 |
First Bitcoin Capital Corp -Grey- | CA31932X1050 |
First Colombia Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US3197142009 |
First Corp -OTCPK- | US32002T1079 |
First Energy Metals Ltd -OTCQB- | CA32016U2074 |
First Graphene Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000FGR3 |
First Liberty Power Corp -OTCPK- | US3206971059 |
Flameret Inc -OTCPK- | US33849W2044 |
FlashZero Corp -OTCPK- | US33852L1035 |
FLASR Inc -OTCPK- | US33852X2062 |
Flexpower Inc -OTCPK- | US33939P1012 |
Flitways Technology Inc -OTCPK- | US33972Q1076 |
Flowr Corp -OTCPK- | CA34354X1087 |
Focus Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US34416A2033 |
Focus Graphite Inc -OTCQB- | CA34416E1060 |
FONU2 Inc -OTCPK- | US30255C2017 |
Foodfest International 2000 Inc -OTCPK- | US3448331088 |
Foothills Exploration Inc -OTCPK- | US34512J1088 |
For The Earth Corp -OTCPK- | US34512L2025 |
Formcap Corp -Grey- | US34637U3014 |
Fortescue Metals Corp Ltd -OTCQX- | AU000000FMG4 |
Fortitude Group Inc -Grey- | US34960C1009 |
Fosun International -OTCPK- | HK0656038673 |
Foy-Johnston Inc -OTCPK- | US3516761018 |
Francesca's Holdings Corp-OTCPK- | US3517932030 |
FreeSeas Inc -OTCPK- | MHY264962439 |
FunctionX Inc -OTCPK- | US36077T2078 |
Fuse Science Inc -OTCPK- | US36113J3041 |
Fusion Pharm Inc -Grey- | US36113H1005 |
Future Farm Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | CA36116Y1007 |
FutureLand Corp. -OTCPK- | US36117L1070 |
FutureWorld Corp -OTCPK- | US36117M1053 |
G6 Materials Corp -OTCQB- | CA3613331071 |
Gala Pharmaceutical Inc -OTCPK- | US36316C3043 |
Galaxy Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000GXY2 |
Gawk Inc -OTCPK- | US3681082059 |
GC China Turbine Corp -Grey- | US36156J1043 |
GD Entertainment & Technology -OTCPK- | US36830V2007 |
Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG3777B1032 |
Gemini Group Global Corp -OTCPK- | US36866G1013 |
Genelink Inc -OTCPK- | US36870F1075 |
General Moly Inc -OTCPK- | US3703731022 |
General Payment Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US3704841077 |
General Steel Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US3708532029 |
Generation Mining Ltd -OTCQB- | CA37149B1094 |
Genesis Electronics Group Inc -OTCPK- | US37185B1044 |
Genoil Inc -Grey- | CA3719241018 |
Geo Finance Corp -Grey- | US37251H1005 |
GeoBio Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US37251R2076 |
GeoGlobal Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US37249T1097 |
GeoPetro Resources Co -OTCPK- | US37248H3049 |
Getchell Gold Corp -OTCQB- | CA37427C2094 |
G-H-3 International Inc -Grey- | US36172E1055 |
Gifa Inc -OTCPK- | US36173L1089 |
Giggles N' Hugs Inc -OTCPK- | US37518A2033 |
Gilla Inc -Grey- | US3752501078 |
Glen Rosse Petroleum Corp -OTCPK- | US3778341061 |
Glencore PLC -OTCPK- | JE00B4T3BW64 |
GLG Life Tech Corp -Grey- | CA3617932015 |
Global Crossing Airlines Group Inc-OTCQB | US37960G2030 |
Global Eagle Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US37951D3008 |
Global Earth Energy Inc -Grey- | US37990H3049 |
Global Fiber Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US3793411006 |
Global Gaming Technologies Corp -OTCPK- | CA37959M2031 |
Global Hemp Group Inc -OTCQB- | CA37953Y1043 |
Global Links Corporation -OTCPK- | US3794087011 |
Global Resource Energy Inc -Grey- | US37951C3025 |
Global Technologies Group Inc -Grey- | US37949P1003 |
Global Water Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US3789394091 |
Glori Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US3796061063 |
GNCC Capital Inc -OTCPK- | US38013E2037 |
Go Green Technologies Corp -OTCPK- | US38016U1051 |
Goff Corp -OTCPK- | US36190U2069 |
GoGold Resources Inc-OTCQX- | CA38045Y1025 |
Gold and GemStone Mining Inc -OTCPK- | US3804851026 |
Gold Entertainment Group Inc -OTCPK- | US38059X2062 |
Gold Hill Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US38060Y1029 |
Gold Road Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000GOR5 |
Golden Age Recources Inc -Grey- | US38078N1063 |
Golden Developing Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US38089W1036 |
Golden Global Corp -OTCPK- | US3810573069 |
Golden Grail Technology Corp -OTCPK- | US38105V1052 |
Golden Phoenix Minerals Inc -Grey- | US3811491030 |
Golden Time Network Marketing -OTCPK- | US38123Q1040 |
Golden Valley Development Inc -OTCPK- | US3812293013 |
Goldsands Development Co -OTCPK- | US3814541070 |
Good Life China Corp -Grey- | US38210N1054 |
Good Vibrations Shoes Inc -OTCPK- | US3821472053 |
Gordon Creek Energy Inc -OTCPK- | CA3827351089 |
GoviEx Uranium Inc -OTCQB- | CA3837981057 |
GR Silver Mining Ltd -OTCQB- | CA36258E1025 |
Grand Entertainment & Music Inc -Grey- | US3854202039 |
Grande West Transportation Group -OTCQX- | CA9256541058 |
Graph Blockchain Inc -OTCPK- | CA3886591047 |
Graphite One Inc -OTCQB- | CA38871F1027 |
Great Thunder Gold Corp -OTCPK- | CA3913272025 |
Great Wall Builders Ltd -OTCPK- | US39136A2015 |
Great Western Minerals Group Ltd -Grey- | CA39141Y1034 |
Green and Hill Industries Inc -Grey- | US39260U1060 |
Green Automotive Company Inc -OTCPK- | US39260A1007 |
Green Bridge Industries Inc -Grey- | US3927102083 |
Green Cures & Botanical Distrib -OTCPK- | US3930072083 |
Green Energy Live Inc -Grey- | US39303U2042 |
Green Energy Resources Inc -Grey- | US39303P1066 |
Green Energy Solution Indus Inc -OTCPK- | US36976L1070 |
Green Globe International Inc -OTCPK- | US3930482027 |
Green Growth Brands Inc -OTCPK- | CA39305B1058 |
Green Mountain Development Corp -OTCPK- | US39312N1000 |
Green Oasis Environmental Inc -Grey- | US3931771006 |
Green Parts International Inc -Grey- | US3932201086 |
Green Planet Group Inc -OTCPK- | US3932251073 |
Green Star Products Inc -OTCPK- | US3934111036 |
Green Technology Solutions Inc -Grey- | US3934223088 |
Greenchek Technology -OTCPK- | US3941761013 |
Greenland Minerals Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000GGG4 |
GreenLink International Inc -OTCPK- | US39537G1040 |
Greenlite Ventures Inc -OTCPK- | US3953682024 |
Greenshift Corp -OTCPK- | US39571U6055 |
Grillit Inc -OTCPK- | US39850R1095 |
GRN Holding Corporation -OTCPK- | US36257K1097 |
GroGenesis Inc -Grey- | US3987821028 |
GSDT Fintech Group Inc -OTCPK- | US36263B1017 |
GT Legend Automotive Holdings -Grey- | US3623691009 |
GTEC Holdings Ltd -OTCQB- | CA3623071006 |
Guangzhou Automobile Groupe Ltd -OTCPK- | CNE100000Q35 |
Guanhua Corp -Grey- | US40066R1077 |
Guanwei Recycling Corp -Grey- | US4006852028 |
Gulf Alternative Energy Corp -Grey- | US4021091024 |
Gunther Grant Inc -OTCPK- | US4031971066 |
Guyana Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US4035281025 |
Halitron -OTCPK- | US4058901046 |
Hall of Fame Beverages Inc. -Grey- | US4060892019 |
Halo Collective Inc -OTCQB- | CA40638K1012 |
Harbor Diversified Inc -OTCPK- | US41150R1023 |
Hard to Treat Diseases Inc -Grey- | US41164A1034 |
Harrison, Vickers and Waterman -OTCPK- | US4155691029 |
Hauppage Digital Inc -OTCPK- | US4191311079 |
Hawaiian Hospitality Group Inc -OTCPK- | US41988P2039 |
Haz Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US4213771029 |
HealthMed Services Ltd -OTCPK- | US4222463063 |
Healthy Coffee Int Inc -OTCPK- | US42224G5027 |
Helios & Matheson Analytics Inc -OTCPK- | US42327L3096 |
Helix Wind Corp -Grey- | US42331P1066 |
Helmer Directional Drilling Co -OTCPK- | US4234431009 |
Hemlo Explorers Inc -OTCPK- | CA42366W1095 |
Hemp Inc -OTCPK- | US4237032069 |
HempAmericana Inc -OTCPK- | US42370P2074 |
HHGregg Inc -OTCPK- | US42833L1089 |
Hi Score Corp -Grey- | US4283975096 |
High Performance Beverage Comp -OTCPK- | US42969X3061 |
High Tide Inc -OTCQB- | CA42981E1043 |
Hiru Corp -OTCPK- | US4335701086 |
HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd -OTCQX | CA43366H1001 |
HK Battery Technology Inc -OTCPK- | US40421J2042 |
HK eBus Corp -Grey- | US40423D1063 |
Hoku Corp -OTCPK- | US4347111076 |
Hollister Biosciences Inc -OTCPK | CA4356311064 |
Hollund Industrial Marine Inc -OTCPK- | US4357304033 |
Hollywood Intermediate Inc -OTCPK- | US4362241097 |
Home Energy Savings Corp -Grey- | US43709G1085 |
Homeland International Inc -OTCPK- | US43741V1052 |
Homeland Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | US43742A2096 |
Homeland Security Corp -OTCPK- | US43741T1007 |
Horne International Inc -OTCPK- | US4405911052 |
HPIL Holding -OTCPK- | US40432Y1091 |
Hunt Gold Corp -Grey- | US4456231012 |
Hunter Maritime Acquisition Corp -OTCPK- | MHY378281031 |
Hut 8 Mining Corp -OTCQX- | CA44812T1021 |
HW Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US40441G1076 |
Hybrid Energy Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US44861A1034 |
Hydrogen Engine Center Inc-OTCPK- | US4488761028 |
Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies -Grey- | US44887L1098 |
Hydrogenetics -Grey- | US4488801048 |
Hyflux Ltd -OTCPK- | SG1J47889782 |
Hypower Fuel Inc -OTCPK- | US44914Y2072 |
IAHL Corporation -OTCPK- | US4507221038 |
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp -OTCQB- | CA44923T8683 |
iBrands Corp -OTCPK- | US44925B2043 |
IBSG International Inc -Grey- | US4492362078 |
ICBS Ltd -OTCPK- | US44924K3041 |
ICOA Inc -OTCPK- | US4492923093 |
Icon Media Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US45110Q1040 |
Idaho Chpn Gold Mines Canada Inc -OTCQB- | CA4511531002 |
IDGlobal Corp -OTCPK- | US45168J3095 |
IDO Security Inc -OTCPK- | US4493992030 |
iEntertainment Network Inc -OTCPK- | US45169Q1040 |
IFAN Financial Inc. -OTCPK- | US45173B1017 |
IFinix Corp -Grey- | US45170U5083 |
IGEN Networks Corp -OTCQB- | US45172B1026 |
IGENE Biotechnology -OTCPK- | US4516951005 |
IGS Capital Group Ltd -OTCPK- | US45174N1046 |
IJJ Corp -OTCPK- | US44963Q2049 |
IL2M International Corp -OTCPK- | US45173T1025 |
Image Protect Inc -OTCPK- | US45074L1098 |
Imagexpres Corp -Grey- | US45248C1009 |
Imagination TV Inc -OTCPK- | US45249L1098 |
ImagineAR Inc -OTCQB- | CA45250P1062 |
Imerjn Inc -Grey- | US45249J1043 |
iMing Corp -OTCPK- | US45249Q1085 |
Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US45254C2008 |
ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Ltd -OTCPK- | US4525364026 |
Immutep Ltd (US) -Grey- | AU000000IMM6 |
Impact Fusion International Inc -OTCPK- | US45257G1094 |
Impact Silver Corp -OTCPK- | CA45257A1021 |
IMRIS Inc -Grey- | CA45322N1050 |
In Ovations Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US4532291063 |
In Veritas Medical Diagnostics -OTCPK- | US45325A1007 |
InCapta Inc -OTCPK- | US45331T2006 |
Independent Film Development -OTCPK- | US45384K2050 |
indiePub Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US45569C1018 |
Indo Global Exchanges PTE -OTCPK- | US45579B1017 |
Indocan Resources Inc -Grey- | US45577R1086 |
Industrial Nanotech Inc -OTCPK- | US4562771026 |
Inelco Corp -Grey- | US45672G1067 |
Infinite Technology Corp Inc -OTCPK- | US45663R2022 |
Inflection Resources Ltd. -OTCQB- | CA45674L1031 |
Infrax Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US45685T2024 |
Ingen Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US45684G5080 |
Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd -Grey- | CA45783J1066 |
Innerscope Hearing Technolog -OTCPK- | US45781P1049 |
Innovative Holdings Alliance -OTCPK- | US4576723013 |
Innovative MedTech Inc-OTCPK- | US45782W1080 |
Institute of Biomedical Rsrch -OTCPK- | US45781A1079 |
Integral Technologies Inc -Grey- | US45810J1034 |
Integrative Health Technologies -OTCPK- | US45822A2078 |
IntelGenx Technologies Corp -OTCQB- | US45822R1014 |
Intelligent Living Inc -OTCPK- | US45825R2076 |
IntelliPharmaCeutics Internationl -OTCQB | CA4581733090 |
Interact Holdings Group Inc -OTCPK- | US45839W5076 |
Interactive Health Network -Grey- | US45841X1054 |
Interact-TV Inc -OTCPK- | US4584013043 |
InterCloud Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US4584884005 |
International Battery Metals Ltd -OTCPK- | CA4591211095 |
International Consolidated Cos -OTCPK- | US4593571098 |
International Endeavors Corp -OTCPK- | US4594451027 |
International Power Group Ltd -Grey- | US46018A1007 |
International Star Inc -OTCPK- | US4603712062 |
Intertech Solutions Inc -Grey- | US46112U1016 |
Inventergy Global Inc -OTCPK- | US46123X4097 |
Invictus MD Strategies Corp -OTCPK- | CA46183X8026 |
Ionic Brands Corp -OTCPK- | CA4622024095 |
Iota Communications Inc -OTCPK- | US46225M1036 |
Ironclad Encryption Corp -OTCPK- | US46302E1073 |
Ironwood Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US4633203090 |
Irving Resources Inc -OTCQX- | CA4637731015 |
Isodiol International Inc -OTCPK- | CA46500L2003 |
Isonics Corporation -Grey- | US4648953093 |
Isracann Biosciences Inc -OTCPK- | CA46501D1087 |
iTalk Inc -OTCPK- | US4653531008 |
iTokk Inc -OTCPK- | US46574A2050 |
Itronics Inc -OTCPK- | US4657433003 |
ITT Educational Services Inc -OTCPK- | US45068B1098 |
Ivanhoe Energy Inc -OTCPK- | CA4657905093 |
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd -OTCQX- | CA46579R1047 |
I-Wellness Marketing Group Inc -Grey- | US45074W1053 |
Jade Art Group Inc -OTCPK- | US4698712068 |
Jaguar Mining Inc -OTCQX- | CA47009M8896 |
James E Wagner Cultivation Corp -OTCPK- | CA47031P1080 |
James Monroe Capital Corp -OTCPK- | US47033P2056 |
Jammin Java Corp -OTCPK- | US4707511089 |
JB&ZJMY Holding Company -OTCPK- | US4661022099 |
JER Investors Trust Inc -OTCPK- | US46614H4002 |
Jervois Mining Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000JRV4 |
Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd -OTCPK- | CNE1000031W9 |
JPX Global Inc -OTCPK- | US46639B1070 |
Juniper Group Inc -OTCPK- | US4819058755 |
Just Energy Group Inc-OTCPK- | CA48213W4083 |
K92 Mining Inc -OTCQX- | CA4991131083 |
Kabe Exploration Inc -OTCPK- | US48283A2033 |
Kairos Minerals Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000KAI5 |
Kal Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US48238A1007 |
Kalamazoo Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000KZR3 |
Kali Inc -OTCPK- | US4833801016 |
Kallo Inc -OTCPK- | US48343P2083 |
Karora Resources -OTCQX- | CA48575L2066 |
KAT Exploration Inc -OTCPK- | US48238M2035 |
Keyence Corp -OTCPK- | JP3236200006 |
KHD Humboldt Wedag Int'l AG -OTCPK- | DE0006578008 |
Khiron Life Sciences Corp -OTCQX- | CA49374L3065 |
Kid Brands Inc -OTCPK- | US49375T1007 |
Kid Castle Educational Corp -Grey- | US49375K2087 |
Kimberly Parry Organics Corp -OTCPK- | US4944141054 |
KinerjaPay Corp -OTCPK- | US49460M1018 |
King Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US4956601029 |
Kingold Jewelry Inc- OTCPK- | US49579A3032 |
Kiwa Bio-Tech Products Group -OTCPK- | US49834X2053 |
KMA Global Solutions Int'l Inc -Grey- | US4825421070 |
Kneat.com Inc -Grey- | CA4988241010 |
Kodiak Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US5001171066 |
Koios Beverage Corp -OTCPK- | CA5002711011 |
KOKO Petroleum Inc -Grey- | US5002871078 |
Kona Grill Inc -OTCPK- | US50047H2013 |
Kreido Biofuels Inc -OTCPK- | US50077A2096 |
Kunekt Corporation -OTCPK- | US50126T1007 |
Kuya Silver Corp -OTCQB- | CA50149R1073 |
KWG Resources Inc -Grey- | CA48277D6019 |
KYN Capital Group Inc -OTCPK- | US4827811013 |
Labor Smart Inc -OTCPK- | US50541A1088 |
Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | CA5054351070 |
Ladenburg Thalm 7% Pref 31.05.28 OTCPK | US50575Q1105 |
Ladenburg Thalm 7.75% Prf 30.06.29 OTCPK | US50575Q5080 |
Ladenburg Thalm Fin A 8% Pref Perp OTCPK | US50575Q2012 |
Ladenburg Thalmann 7% Prf 31.05.28 OTCPK | US50575Q1105 |
Ladenburg Thl 6.5% Prf 30.11.27 OTCPK BB | US50575Q3002 |
Lake Resources NL -OTCQB- | AU000000LKE1 |
Largo Resources Ltd | CA5171036026 |
Lecere Corp -Grey- | US52323R2004 |
LEEP Inc -OTCPK- | US50184Q1058 |
Legend International Holdings -OTCPK- | US52467C1009 |
Lentuo International Inc -OTCPK- | US5263531072 |
Lexagene Holdings Inc -OTCQB- | CA52886L1031 |
Liberty Energy Corp -Grey- | US53045E1055 |
Liberty Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US53055T1097 |
Liberty Gold Corp -OTCQX- | CA53056H1047 |
Liberty One Lithium Corp -OTCPK- | CA53116A2065 |
Lifeline BioTechnologies Inc -OTCPK- | US53219E8084 |
LIG Assets Inc -OTCPK- | US50187X1072 |
LIGATT Security International -OTCPK- | US50187W2089 |
Lighting Science Group Corp -OTCPK- | US53224G7079 |
Lihua International Inc -OTCPK- | US5323521014 |
Lingerie Fighting Championships -OTCPK- | US5357421008 |
LiNiu Technology Group -OTCPK- | KYG549712084 |
Linux Gold Corp -Grey- | CA53612Q1019 |
Lion One Metals -OTCQX | CA5362161047 |
Liquid Avatar Technologies Inc -Grey- | CA53633C1077 |
Lite Access Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | CA5367361014 |
Lithium Technology Co. -OTCPK- | US5368084050 |
Local Corp -OTCPK- | US53954W1045 |
Locan Inc -Grey- | US53957F1084 |
Location Based Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US5395731053 |
Lombard Medical Inc -OTCPK- | KYG555981094 |
Lomiko Metals Inc -OTCQB- | CA54163Q4097 |
Longfin Corp -OTCPK- | US54304F1066 |
Longwei Petroleum Investment Ho -Grey- | US5433541043 |
LookSmart Group Inc -OTCPK- | US54344C1053 |
Lord Global Corporation -Grey- | US54402R1014 |
Lowell Farms Inc -OTCQX- | CA5475721075 |
Luckin Coffee Inc -ADR- OTCPK | US54951L1098 |
Lundin Mining Corp -OTCPK- | CA5503721063 |
Lynas Rare Earths Ltd-OTCPK- | AU000000LYC6 |
Lyric Jeans Inc -OTCPK- | US5523511088 |
M Line Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US55313Q1085 |
Mabcure Inc -OTCPK- | US5540941029 |
Mad Catz Interactive Inc -Grey- | CA5561621056 |
Magellan Energy Ltd -Grey- | US5590712049 |
Magna Gold Corp -OTCQB- | CA55921P1045 |
Magnis Energy Technologies Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000MNS3 |
Majic Wheels Corp -OTCPK- | US5607691012 |
Makism 3D Corp -OTCPK- | US56087X1054 |
Manaris 2010 Corp -OTCPK- | US56176R1005 |
Manzo Pharmaceuticals Inc -Grey- | US56510D1063 |
Marani Brands Inc -Grey- | US56575N1063 |
Marketing Worldwide Corp -OTCPK- | US57061T3005 |
Marquie Group Inc -OTCPK- | US57161M2052 |
Mason Graphite Inc -OTCQX- | CA57520W1005 |
Massive Dynamics Inc -OTCPK- | US5762891027 |
MC Endeavors Inc -OTCPK- | US5526811089 |
MEAT-TECH 3D LTD -OTCPK- | IL0010807209 |
MediaG3 Inc -OTCPK- | US58448D1090 |
Medical Care Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US5845073056 |
Medical International Techno -OTCPK- | US58457X2027 |
Medient Studios Inc -Grey- | US58471D1090 |
Medifirst Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US58471B2025 |
MediPharm Labs Corp-OTCQX- | CA58504D1006 |
Medi-Volve Inc -OTCPK- | CA58503M1014 |
Medizone International Inc -OTCPK- | US5850131054 |
Medra Corp -Grey- | US58505W1071 |
Mega Uranium Ltd -OTCPK- | CA58516W1041 |
Meituan -OTCPK- | KYG596691041 |
Mera Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US58732R1032 |
Metals X Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000MLX7 |
Metaverse Capital Corp -OTCPK- | CA5914081099 |
Metro One Development Inc -Grey- | US59164C3097 |
Metro One Telecommunications -OTCPK- | US59163F2048 |
Metrospaces Inc -OTCPK- | US59266V3042 |
MGX Minerals Inc -OTCPK- | CA55303L1013 |
Michael James Enterprises Inc -OTCPK- | US59408R1041 |
Micro Imaging Technology Inc -OTCPK- | US59484E2090 |
Microelectronics Technology Co -OTCPK- | US59506R2040 |
Mike The Pike Productions Inc -Grey- | US59863T2078 |
Millennium Cell Inc -OTCPK- | US60038B1052 |
Millrock Resources Inc -OTCQB- | CA6011322022 |
Minco Capital Corp -OTCQB- | CA6025321036 |
Mind Cure Health Inc -OTCQB- | CA60254M1086 |
Mind Medicine MindMed Inc -OTCQB- | CA60255C1095 |
Mind Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US60255A2024 |
Mindpix Corp -OTCPK- | US6026732049 |
Minera Alamos Inc-OTCQX- | CA60283L1058 |
Minera IRL Ltd -Grey- | JE00B1HNYF12 |
MineralRite Corp -OTCPK- | US60313P1003 |
Mining Global Inc -OTCPK- | US60365U1060 |
ML Capital Group -OTCPK- | US55314D3044 |
MMA Global Inc -OTCPK- | US55316M1045 |
Modern Technology Corp -Grey- | US6076973071 |
Monarch Gulf Exploration Inc -Grey- | US6090812032 |
Monarch Staffing Inc -Grey- | US6091801042 |
Mondial Ventures Inc -OTCPK- | US60921T2050 |
Mongolia Growth Group Ltd -OTCPK- | CA60936L1067 |
Mongolian Mining Corporation -OTCPK- | KYG6264V1361 |
Monster Arts Inc -OTCPK- | US61173R2022 |
Montague International Holding -OTCPK- | US6118101020 |
MOP Environmental Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US55313W1053 |
Mountain High Acquisitions Corp -OTCPK- | US62405W1009 |
Mountain Province Diamonds Inc -OTCPK- | CA62426E4022 |
MPX International Corp -OTCQB- | CA55344L1022 |
MultiCell Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US62544S2005 |
Multicorp International Inc -OTCPK- | US62544A1007 |
Mundus Group Inc -OTCPK- | US6261373012 |
Mustang Alliances Inc -OTCPK- | US6281871060 |
m-Wise Inc -OTCPK- | US5540421014 |
MX Gold Corporation -OTCPK- | CA62848A2020 |
My Vintage Baby Inc -OTCPK- | US62847C1009 |
Mydecine Innovations Group Inc -OTCPK- | CA62848R1064 |
MyDx Inc -OTCPK- | US55404P1003 |
Myrexis Inc -OTCPK- | US62856H1077 |
Myzipsoft Inc -OTCPK- | US6287031008 |
N1 Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | BZP730982071 |
Nacel Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US62957N1028 |
NagaCorp Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG6382M1096 |
Namaste Technologies Inc -OTCQB- | CA62987D1087 |
Nano Mobile Healthcare Inc -OTCPK- | US63010B2007 |
Nanobac Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US63007M1027 |
NanoLogix Inc -OTCPK- | US6300761078 |
NanoSphere Health Science Inc -Grey- | CA63010P1009 |
NanoTech Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US63009Y2037 |
NanoTech Gaming Inc -OTCPK- | US63010J1043 |
Naspers Ltd -N- -ADR- -OTCPK- | ZAE000015889 |
National Graphite Corp -OTCPK- | US6362682030 |
Natur International Corp -OTCPK- | US63883U1034 |
Natural Harmony Foods Inc -OTCPK- | US63888X1028 |
Nautilus Minerals Inc -OTCPK- | CA6390971043 |
NDT Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US63948Q1058 |
Neo Lithium Corp -OTCQX- | CA64047A1084 |
Neomagic Corporation -OTCPK- | US6404972027 |
NeoMedia Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US6405054007 |
Neometals Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000NMT1 |
Neurobiological Technologies -OTCPK- | US64124W3043 |
New Age Metals Inc -OTCQB- | CA64157G1019 |
New Energy Exchange Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG645181069 |
New Jersey Mining Co -OTCQB- | US6458271060 |
New Oriental Energy & Chemical -OTCPK- | US64758A1079 |
New World Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US6492851034 |
Newcardio Inc -OTCPK- | US65106G1004 |
Newron Sport -OTCPK- | US6524771002 |
NexTech AR Solutions Corp-OTCQB- | CA65343B1040 |
NextSource Materials Inc -OTCQB- | CA65343M1005 |
Ngen Technologies Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US65343Q1013 |
NioCorp Developments Ltd -OTCQX- | CA6544841043 |
No Borders Inc -Grey- | US65486W1053 |
Nobilis Health Corp -OTCPK- | CA65500B1031 |
NoHo Inc -OTCPK- | US65528C1099 |
Noranda Aluminum Holding Corp -OTCPK- | US65542W2061 |
North American Oil & Gas Corp -OTCPK- | US65704V2025 |
North Springs Resources Corp -OTCPK- | US6625463087 |
North West Oil Group Inc -Grey- | US6633032049 |
Northamerican Energy Group Corp -OTCPK- | US6634622087 |
Northern Graphite Corp -OTCQB- | CA66516A1057 |
Northern Star Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000NST8 |
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA-OTCPK- | NO0010196140 |
Nostra Energy Inc -Grey- | US65654V1035 |
Nouveau Life Pharmaceuticals -OTCPK- | US66979K1034 |
Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc -OTCQX- | CA66979W8429 |
Nova Minerals Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000NVA2 |
Novaccess Global Inc -OTCPK- | US67001N1072 |
Novamex Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US67000J1079 |
Novation Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US66989U1097 |
Novo Resources Corp -OTCQX- | CA67010B1022 |
Novonix Ltd -OTCQX- | AU000000NVX4 |
NuTech Energy Resources Inc -Grey- | US67060K1016 |
Nutra Pharma Corp -OTCPK- | US67060U2087 |
NutraLife Biosciences Inc -OTCPK- | US67098B1070 |
Nutranomics Inc -OTCPK- | US67060H1086 |
Nutripure Beverages Inc -OTCPK- | US67074A2069 |
Nutritional High International -OTCPK- | CA6706841096 |
Nvest Inc -OTCPK- | US67075X1063 |
NW Tech Capital Inc -OTCPK- | US62948J1034 |
Nyxio Technologies Corp -OTCPK- | US67086D3052 |
NZJ Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US62971A1025 |
Oakridge Global Energy Solution -OTCPK- | US6738331098 |
Obsidian Energy Ltd -OTCQX- | CA6744822033 |
Occidental Development Group Inc -OTCPK- | US67457R1077 |
Oidon Co Ltd -OTCPK- | US67777X2062 |
Olie Inc -Grey- | US68067A2033 |
OM Holdings International Inc-OTCPK- | US67114M1036 |
OMDA Oil and Gas Inc -OTCPK- | US67087W2035 |
Omni Health Inc -OTCPK- | US68216X1046 |
On Track Innovations Ltd-OTCQX- | IL0010834682 |
On4 Communications Inc -OTCPK- | US6822032032 |
Oncolix Inc -Grey- | US68236C1062 |
Oncologix Tech Inc -OTCPK- | US68230M2098 |
Ophir Resources Co -OTCPK- | US68373R1068 |
Optigenex Inc -OTCPK- | US6838863032 |
Optionable Inc -OTCPK- | US6840061096 |
Orocobre Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000ORE0 |
Orsus Xelent Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US68749U2050 |
Oryon Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US68764G1076 |
Osage Exploration Develop Inc -OTCPK- | US68771L1070 |
Osceola Gold Inc -OTCPK- | US68804P1093 |
Osisko Mining Inc -OTCPK- | CA6882811046 |
Pacific Coast Oil Trust- OTCPK- | US6941031022 |
Pacific Conquest Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US69413V1070 |
Pacific Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US69433M3016 |
PacWest Equities Inc -Grey- | US69526A2069 |
Paladin Energy Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000PDN8 |
Panacos Pharma -Grey- | US69811Q1067 |
Panoramic Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000PAN4 |
Paradigm Medical Industries Inc -OTCPK- | US69900Q8841 |
Paradigm Oil and Gas Inc -OTCPK- | US69901U3068 |
ParaFin Corporation -OTCPK- | US69912M4006 |
Paragon Shipping Inc -A- -OTCPK- | MHY6728Q2025 |
ParcelPal Technology Inc -OTCQB- | CA69938L1058 |
Pardee Resources Co Inc -OTCPK- | US6994371093 |
Pareteum Corp-OTCPK- | US69946T2078 |
Paringa Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000PNL1 |
Parnell Pharmaceuticals Holding -OTCPK- | AU0000XINEU9 |
Patriot Energy Corp -Grey- | US70336G1022 |
Patriot Gold Corp -OTCQB- | US70337F1030 |
Patten Energy Solutions Group -Grey- | US70343P1030 |
Paychest Inc -OTCPK- | US7042891074 |
PDX Partners Inc -Grey- | US70455F1093 |
Peak Fintech Group Inc-OTCQX- | CA70470F1009 |
Peer to Peer Network -OTCPK- | US7054841033 |
Pengram Corp -OTCPK- | US7070622045 |
Peninsula Energy Ltd-OTCQB- | AU000000PEN6 |
Perk Labs Inc -OTCQB- | CA71401N1050 |
Pervasip Corp -OTCPK- | US7157092005 |
Petaquilla Minerals Ltd -OTCPK- | CA7160131073 |
Petro Matad Ltd -OTCPK- | IM00B292WR19 |
Petro River Oil Corp -OTCPK- | US71647K3032 |
Petro USA Inc-OTCPK- | US71648P1030 |
Petron Energy II Inc -OTCPK- | US71674W4024 |
Petrone Worldwide Inc -OTCPK- | US71674X1037 |
PetroTech Oil and Gas Inc -Grey- | US71677C1062 |
Petroteq Energy Inc -OTCPK- | CA71678B1076 |
PGI Energy Inc -Grey- | US69341V1044 |
PharmaCom BioVet Inc -Grey- | US71720A1079 |
Pharmadrug Inc -OTCPK- | CA71716W1059 |
Pharmagen Inc -OTCPK- | US71715W1062 |
PharmaRoth Labs Inc -Grey- | US71715Y1029 |
PhaseRx Inc -OTCPK- | US71723F1030 |
PHI Group -OTCPK- | US69338D2080 |
Phosphate Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US71922F1021 |
Pilbara Minerals Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000PLS0 |
Pilgrim Petroleum Corp -Grey- | US72147P1075 |
Pineapple Expres Inc -Grey- | US72302T1007 |
Ping An Insurance Group Co -OTCPK- | CNE1000003X6 |
Plandai Biotechnology Inc -OTCPK- | US72703D1000 |
PlantX Life Inc -OTCQB- | CA72750P1053 |
PlasmaTech Inc -Grey- | US72754B1026 |
Plateau Mineral Development Inc -Grey- | US7276341077 |
Platina Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000PGM3 |
Platinum Studios Inc -OTCPK- | US7276671077 |
Playlogic Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US7281271012 |
Plus Products Inc-OTCQX- | CA72941N1006 |
Plymouth Rock Technologies -OTCQB- | CA7300201042 |
Plyzer Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US73016P1030 |
PM&E Inc -OTCPK- | US69342B1070 |
POET Technologies Inc -OTCQX- | CA73044W1041 |
Polaris International Holdings -OTCPK- | US73106P2039 |
Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US7324494001 |
Positron Corp -OTCPK- | US7373976049 |
Premier Biomedical Inc -OTCPK- | US74048K2033 |
Premier Brands Inc -OTCPK- | US74048L1026 |
Premier Diversified Holdings Inc -Grey- | CA74051Q1054 |
Premier Information Management -OTCPK- | US7405131068 |
Premier Investment Properties -Grey- | US74052A1097 |
Previsto International Holding -Grey- | US74139V1008 |
Primegen Energy Corp -Grey- | US74161T1060 |
Princeton National Bancorp Inc -OTCPK- | US7422821063 |
Prism Technologies Group Inc -OTCPK- | US74273Y1001 |
Probility Media Corp -OTCPK- | US74274K1097 |
Profitable Developments Inc -OTCPK- | US74317C1062 |
Prom Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US7434232044 |
Propellus Inc-OTCPK- | US74349T1016 |
Prospect Global Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US74348X2027 |
Prospect Ventures Inc -Grey- | US74360A1060 |
ProTek Capital Inc -OTCPK- | US74370A1043 |
Protocall Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US74372C1080 |
PTA Holdings Inc -Grey- | US69367L1052 |
PTS Inc -OTCPK- | US69366Q6008 |
Puda Coal Inc -Grey- | US7446743004 |
Pulse Beverage Corp -Grey- | US7458611040 |
Pura Naturals Inc -OTCPK- | US74609Q2012 |
Purple Beverage Co Inc -OTCPK- | US7463871092 |
QKL Stores Inc -OTCPK- | US74732Y3036 |
QMed Inc -Grey- | US7479141092 |
Quantum Battery Metals Corp-OTCPK- | CA74765C1032 |
Quantum International Corp -OTCPK- | US74766H1014 |
Quantum Materials Corp -OTCPK- | US74766A1060 |
Quarterhill Inc -OTCQX- | CA7477131055 |
Quaterra Resources Inc -OTCQB- | CA7479521097 |
Queench Inc -OTCPK- | US74823U1034 |
Quest Management Inc -OTCPK- | US74837J3005 |
Quest Oil Corp -OTCPK- | US74836C1080 |
Quest Rare Minerals Ltd -OTCPK- | CA74836T1012 |
QYOU Media Inc -OTCQB- | CA77584B1076 |
Rainbow International Corp -Grey- | US75081R1041 |
Rainmaker Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US7508753040 |
Rare Element Resources Ltd -OTCQB- | CA75381M1023 |
Razer Inc -OTCPK- | KYG7397A1067 |
Rbid.com Inc -OTCPK- | US7492832065 |
RCC Holdings Corp -Grey- | US7493181017 |
Reach Messaging Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US75525E1073 |
Real Goods Solar Inc -A- -OTCPK- | US75601N5005 |
Red Branch Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US7564201058 |
Red Light Holland Corp -OTCPK- | CA75671E1097 |
Red White & Bloom Brands Inc -OTCQX- | CA75704R1010 |
Redbubble Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000RBL2 |
Rediff.com India Ltd -ADR- -OTCPK- | US7574791007 |
Redwood Group International -OTCPK- | US7580541008 |
Reebonz Holding Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG7457R1222 |
Regen BioPharma Inc -OTCPK- | US75886M1027 |
Regen BioPharma Inc PDF A -OTCPK- | US75886M2017 |
Rejuvel Bio-Sciences Inc -OTCPK- | US7594081074 |
Reliant Financial Services Corp -OTCPK- | US75954D1090 |
RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding Ltd.-OTCQB- | CH0100191136 |
Relm Holdings Inc -Grey- | US75954H1005 |
Remote Dynamics Inc -OTCPK- | US75962A3032 |
Reostar Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US7602591015 |
RepliCel Life Sciences Inc -OTCPK- | CA76027P4006 |
Response Genetics -OTCPK- | US76123U1051 |
Revive Therapeutics Ltd -OTCPK- | CA7615161030 |
Revolution Lighting Technologies -OTCPK- | US76155G2066 |
Rich Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US76303T4076 |
Right On Brands Inc -OTCPK- | US76658P1093 |
Rimrock Gold Corp -OTCPK- | US76676T1097 |
Rino International Corp -OTCPK- | US7668831024 |
Rise Gold Corp -OTCQX- | US76760M2008 |
RIWI Corp -OTCPK- | CA7496011007 |
Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US7720812046 |
Rock Ridge Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US77267T1025 |
Rockelle Corp -Grey- | US7731081052 |
Rocky Mountain High Brands Inc -OTCPK- | US77471R2076 |
Rodinia Oil Corp -OTCPK- | CA77487N1096 |
Rokmaster Resources Corp-OTCQB- | CA77543A2083 |
Romana Food Brands Corp -OTCPK- | US77586U1034 |
root9B Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US7766502022 |
Rosetta Genomics Ltd -OTCPK- | IL0011026494 |
Royal Energy Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US78026P2092 |
S A M Trade Asia PTE Ltd -OTCPK- | US78397L1008 |
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp -OTCQX- | CA7852461093 |
Sack Lunch Productions Inc -OTCPK- | US7857652074 |
Safer Shot Inc -OTCPK- | US78646A4004 |
SafeTek International Inc. -OTCPK- | US7864677049 |
Sanchez Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US79970Y1055 |
Sandfire Resources NL -Grey- | AU000000SFR8 |
Santo Mining Corporation -OTCPK- | US8028992035 |
Sarissa Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US8037201014 |
Sauer Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US8041362083 |
Savoy Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US80534P2002 |
SavWatt USA Inc -Grey- | US8054302042 |
Sayona Mining Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000SYA5 |
SBI Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | JP3436120004 |
Scorpex Inc -Grey- | US80918Q1058 |
ScripsAmerica Inc -OTCPK- | US8110661092 |
Seaniemac International Ltd -OTCPK- | US81220W2026 |
Searchlight Solutions Ltd -OTCPK- | US8122281046 |
Sears Canada Inc -OTCPK- | CA81234D1096 |
Sears Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US8123501061 |
Seaway Valley Capital Corp -OTCPK- | US8128155046 |
Sector 10 Inc -Grey- | US81371J3077 |
Service Team Inc -OTCPK- | US81761B1044 |
SES Solar Inc -OTCPK- | US78412U1016 |
Seven Arts Entertainment Inc -OTCPK- | US81783N5086 |
Shamika 2 Gold Inc -Grey- | US81932P1075 |
Shandong Zhouyuan Seed & Nurser -OTCPK- | US81941R1023 |
Shengkai Innovations Inc -OTCPK- | US82321P2039 |
Shiloh Industries Inc -OTCPK- | US8245431023 |
Shimano Inc -OTCPK- | JP3358000002 |
Shoshone Silver Mining Co Inc -OTCPK- | US8253561083 |
Shrink Nanotechnologies Inc -OTCPK- | US82554U2006 |
Sibling Group Holdings -OTCPK- | US8257841010 |
Siem Industries Inc -OTCPK- | KYG812261058 |
Sierra Resource Group Inc -OTCPK- | US8264791075 |
Signature Devices Inc -OTCPK- | US82668Y1064 |
Silver Bull Res Inc -OTCQB- | US8274582092 |
Silver Dollar Resources Inc -OTCQB- | CA82767L1040 |
Silver Falcon Mining Inc -OTCPK- | US82771R1059 |
Silver Lake Resources Limited -OTCPK- | AU000000SLR6 |
Silver Mines Ltd -Grey- | AU000000SVL8 |
Silver Sands Resources Corp -OTCQB- | CA8281221017 |
Silver Star Energy Inc -Grey- | US8282342034 |
Simclar Inc. -OTCPK- | US8285991001 |
Simulated Envir. Conceps -OTCPK- | US82920N1046 |
Sino Agro Foods Inc. -OTCPK- | US8293552050 |
Sirrus Corp -Grey- | US82968L2007 |
SITO Mobile Ltd -OTCPK- | US82988R2031 |
Sixth Wave Innovations Inc -OTCQB- | CA83011Y1088 |
Sky Petroleum Inc -OTCPK- | US83083F1021 |
SkyBridge Technology Group Inc -Grey- | US83082V5049 |
Skye Life Ventures Ltd -OTCPK- | CA83086C1068 |
Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Co -OTCPK- | US8308843007 |
Social Media Ventures Inc -Grey- | US8336261040 |
SoftBank Group Corp -OTCPK- | JP3436100006 |
SOHM Inc -OTCPK- | US83408P1084 |
Solanbridge Group Inc -OTCPK- | US83412T1043 |
Solar Energy Initiative Inc -OTCPK- | US83416P2074 |
Solar Enertech Corp -OTCPK- | US8341561012 |
Solar Gold Ltd -OTCPK- | US83417D2036 |
Solar Thin Films Inc -Grey- | US83414A6082 |
Solaris Power Cells -OTCPK- | US83416X1019 |
Solitron Devices Inc -OTCPK- | US8342562084 |
Solo International Inc -OTCPK- | US83427E2090 |
Somatic Systems Inc -Grey- | US83444X1072 |
Sona Nanotech Inc -OTCQB- | CA83541C1059 |
Sophiris Bio Inc -OTCPK- | CA83578Q2099 |
Soupman Inc -Grey- | US8361191070 |
Southcorp Capital Inc -OTCPK- | US84129L1035 |
Southern Home Medical Inc -OTCPK- | US84305M2061 |
Southern ITS International Inc -OTCPK- | US8430753009 |
Southridge Enterprises Inc -Grey- | US84467T4031 |
Sovereign Lithium Inc -Grey- | US84609P1030 |
Spare Backup Inc -OTCPK- | US84650T1034 |
Spectacular Solar Inc -OTCPK- | US84752F1003 |
Spectrascience Inc -Grey- | US84760E3018 |
Speed Commerce Inc -OTCPK- | US84764T3041 |
Speedemissions Inc -OTCPK- | US84770S2095 |
Spencer Pharmaceutical Inc -Grey- | US8482241010 |
Spindle Inc -Grey- | US8485431048 |
Spire Corp -OTCPK- | US8485651074 |
SponsorsOne Inc -OTCPK- | CA8491131055 |
SportsQuest Inc -OTCPK- | US84920N1000 |
Spotlight Innovation Inc -Grey- | US8492071050 |
Sproutly Canada Inc -OTCQB- | CA85209J1084 |
Spyglass Resources Corp -OTCPK- | CA8521931011 |
Stage Stores Inc -OTCPK- | US85254C3051 |
Stans Energy Corp -OTCPK- | CA8547221058 |
Star8 Corp -OTCPK- | US85529C1062 |
Stargaze Entertainment Group I -OTCPK- | US85529E1029 |
Stein Mart Inc- OTCPK- | US8583751081 |
Sterling Consolidated Corp -OTCPK- | US8592401033 |
Stevens Gold Nevada Inc -OTCQB- | CA86024R1010 |
Stevia Corp -OTCPK- | US86031P1066 |
Stevia Nutra Corp -OTCPK- | US8603222055 |
Stinger Systems Inc -Grey- | US8608372020 |
StocktheMaven Inc -OTCPK- | US88339B1026 |
Stonebridge Res Expl Inc -OTCPK- | US8617583088 |
STR Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US78478V2097 |
Strat Petroleum Ltd -OTCPK- | US86267N2053 |
Strategic Asset Leasing Inc -OTCPK- | US86270P1066 |
Strategic Management & Opp Corp -OTCPK- | US86274C1018 |
Subaye Inc -OTCPK- | US86428D1046 |
Sun Tzu Corp -OTCPK- | US86688V1098 |
Sunny Optical Tech - OTCPK - | KYG8586D1097 |
Sunrise Consulting Group Inc -Grey- | US86768Q1031 |
Supatcha Resources Inc -Grey- | US86801J1088 |
Supernova Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US86845R2076 |
Supernova Resources Inc -Grey- | US86802H1014 |
Supreme Cannabis Co Inc-OTCQX- | CA86860J1066 |
SurgLine International Inc -Grey- | US8688481022 |
Sutor Technology Group Ltd -OTCPK- | US8693622024 |
Synovics Pharmaceuticals Inc -Grey- | US87163M1018 |
Synthesis Energy Systems Inc -OTCPK- | US8716283010 |
Syrah Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000SYR9 |
Sysorex Inc -OTCQB- | US87185L2060 |
Taat Lifestyle & Wellness Ltd -OTCQX- | CA87320L1031 |
TAG Oil Ltd -OTCQX- | CA87377N2005 |
TagLikeMe Corporation -OTCPK- | US87378P1057 |
Talga Resources Ltd -OTCPK- | AU000000TLG7 |
Tamino Minerals Inc -OTCPK- | US87509W1027 |
Tamm Oil & Gas -OTCPK--Delisted- | US8751001095 |
Tandy Brands Accessories Inc -Grey- | US8753781017 |
Tanke Inc -OTCPK- | US87583W1018 |
Taronis Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US8762142060 |
Tarsin Mobile Inc -OTCPK- | US8764921099 |
Taxus Cardium Pharmaceuticals -OTCPK- | US8767671048 |
TBG Diagnostics Ltd -OTCQB- | AU000000TDL4 |
Tech Central Inc -OTCPK- | US8782281054 |
Technip Energies NV-OTCPK- | NL0014559478 |
TechX Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | CA87875J1075 |
Tefron Ltd -OTCPK- | IL0010825854 |
TEK DigiTel Corp -Grey- | US8790881028 |
Telefix Communications Holdings -OTCPK- | US8793662011 |
Telestone Technologies Corp -Grey- | US87953J1025 |
Tencent Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | KYG875721634 |
Tengion Inc -Grey- | US88034G2084 |
Terra Inventions Corp -OTCPK- | US88103B1061 |
Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc -OTCQB- | CA88166Y1007 |
TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals -OTCPK- | US88165U1097 |
Texas Gulf Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US88244W1009 |
Texas South Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US88269V1026 |
TexCom Inc -OTCPK- | US88289Q3074 |
TFN Football Network Inc -OTCPK- | US8724063016 |
THC BioMed Int'l Ltd -OTCQX- | CA87243W1032 |
The Fight Zone Inc -Grey- | US31683N1081 |
The Green Organic Du Hld -OTCQX- | CA3932102088 |
The Killey Group Inc -OTCPK- | US88338P4090 |
The Pulse Network Inc -Grey- | US74586X2036 |
The Tirex Corporation -Grey- | US88823T1060 |
The Very Good Food Company Inc -OTCQB- | CA88340B1094 |
TheDirectory.com Inc -OTCPK- | US88337U1025 |
Thinspace Technology Inc -OTCPK- | US88410V1008 |
ThreeD Capital Inc -OTCQB- | CA88581L3039 |
Thresher Industries Inc -OTCPK- | US8858033041 |
THT Heat Transfer Technology -Grey- | US8860311039 |
Tianyin Pharmaceutical Co Inc -OTCPK- | US88630M1045 |
Tibet Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | VGG886151023 |
Tiger Oil and Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US88674T1060 |
Tiger Reef Inc -OTCPK- | US88680R1023 |
Tile Shop Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US88677Q1094 |
Timberline Resources Corp -OTCQB- | US8871332057 |
Timminco Ltd -Grey- | CA8874041012 |
Tintri Inc -OTCPK- | US88770Q1058 |
Titan Oil & Gas Inc -OTCPK- | US8883091014 |
Titan Resources International -Grey- | US8883222031 |
Tivus Inc -OTCPK- | US8887281025 |
TNG Limited -OTCPK- | AU000000TNG3 |
TOCCA Life Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US8888471005 |
Todos Medical Ltd -OTCQB- | IL0011392375 |
Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc -OTCPK- | JP3585800000 |
Tongxin International Ltd -OTCPK- | VGG8918T1030 |
Tonner-One World Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US8903071012 |
Top Shelf Brands Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US89054V1098 |
Touchstone Exploration Inc -OTCPK- | CA89156L1085 |
Towerstream Corp -OTCPK- | US8920003089 |
Town Sports Inter Hldgs Inc- OTCPK- | US89214A1025 |
TraceSafe Inc -OTCPK- | VGG8998A1075 |
TransCanna Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | CA89356V1040 |
Trans-Pacific Aerospace Inc -Grey- | US89342J1088 |
Treaty Energy Corp -Grey- | US89465N1000 |
TreeCon Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US89468R1086 |
Trendsetter Solar Products -OTCPK- | US89486N2045 |
Triad Guaranty Inc -OTCPK- | US8959251054 |
Trimax Corp -OTCPK- | US89622C2035 |
Trinity Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US89656L1035 |
Tristar Wellness Solutions Inc -OTCPK- | US89678H1068 |
Tri-Tech Holding Inc -OTCPK- | KYG9103F1063 |
Tritent Int'l Agriculture Inc -OTCPK- | US89678G1085 |
Trophy Resources Inc -OTCPK- | US8970671041 |
Trustcash Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US89834W1045 |
Turbine Aviation Inc -OTCPK- | US89990A1025 |
Turbodyne -Grey- | US8999051035 |
TVC Telecom -Grey- | US8730611055 |
Tytan Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US9025082093 |
U.S. China Mining Group Inc -OTCPK- | US90345Q1076 |
U.S. Lithium Corp -Grey- | US90351E2046 |
U.S. Rare Earths Inc -OTCPK- | US90346C2061 |
U308 Corp -OTCPK- | CA9034158001 |
UBI Blockchain Internet Ltd -Grey- | US90266C1036 |
Ubiquitech Software Corp -OTCPK- | US9034701022 |
Ucore Rare Metals Inc -OTCQX- | CA90348V3011 |
Ultrapetrol Bahamas Ltd -OTCPK- | BSP943981071 |
ULURU Inc -OTCPK- | US90403T3086 |
Umbra Applied Technologies -OTCPK- | US90419P1003 |
Uneeqo Inc -Grey- | US9045152025 |
Uni Core Holdings Corp -OTCPK- | US90456P3029 |
Uni-Pixel Inc -OTCPK- | US9045722033 |
United Bullion Exchange Inc -Grey- | US90969R1005 |
United Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US9109002082 |
United Lithium Corp -OTCPK- | CA9107971090 |
United Silver Corp -Grey- | CA9115211026 |
UniverCell Holdings Inc -Grey- | US9133561012 |
Universal Apparel & Textile Co -Grey- | US91338J2096 |
Universal Bioenergy Inc -OTCPK- | US91337M1045 |
Universal Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US91349R2085 |
Universal Potash Corp -OTCPK- | US91378T1097 |
Universal Solar Technology Inc -OTCPK- | US9138361020 |
Uomo Media Inc -OTCPK- | US91530T3023 |
Uranium Participation Corp -OTCPK- | CA9170171057 |
Urban Barns Foods Inc -Grey- | US91704A4022 |
Urologix Inc -OTCPK- | US9172731047 |
US Global Nanospace Inc -OTCPK- | US91729J1079 |
US National Telecom Inc -Grey- | US90344A3014 |
US Stem Cell Inc -OTCPK- | US90350U1007 |
USA Real Estate Holding Co. -OTCPK- | US91731C2070 |
US-China Biomedical Technology -OTCPK- | US91734Q1040 |
UV Flu Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US9180992011 |
V Group Inc -OTCPK- | US9182251036 |
Vaccex Inc -Grey- | US9186371095 |
Valaris PLC- OTCPK- | GB00BJVJZD68 |
Valens Co Inc/The -OTCQX- | CA91914P1080 |
Valeritas Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US91914N3017 |
Vanadiumcorp Resource Inc -OTCPK- | CA9214281086 |
Vantage Drilling Company -OTCPK- | KYG932051132 |
Vape Holdings Inc -Grey- | US91912N1054 |
Vapor Group Inc -OTCPK- | US9221011003 |
VelaTel Global Communications -OTCPK- | US92256R2076 |
Veris Gold Corp -OTCPK- | CA92346R1001 |
Vestiage Inc -OTCPK- | US92548W1053 |
Via Pharmaceuticals Inc -OTCPK- | US92554T1034 |
Viaspace Inc -OTCPK- | US92554W1062 |
Victor Mining Industry Group Inc -OTCPK- | US92588J1051 |
Victory Oilfield Tech Inc -OTCPK- | US92647V1070 |
Victory Square Technologies Inc -OTCQX- | CA92650P1045 |
Vidaroo Corp -OTCPK- | US9265331002 |
Videolocity Interenational Inc -OTCPK- | US92658Y2063 |
View Systems Inc -Grey- | US9267062019 |
ViewCast.com Inc -OTCPK- | US9267131087 |
Viewtran Group Inc -OTCPK- | KYG9363W1042 |
Vilacto Bio Inc -OTCPK- | US92686M1099 |
Viropro Inc -OTCPK- | US9282422057 |
Virtual Sourcing Inc -OTCPK- | US92829C1099 |
Vista Int'l Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US9283662024 |
VisualMed Clinical Solutions Co -OTCPK- | US92844G1013 |
Vitamin Blue Inc -OTCPK- | US92849G1067 |
Vitana-X Inc-OTCPK- | US92850X1054 |
Viva Entertainment Group -OTCPK- | US92852K2006 |
Viyya Technologies Inc -OTCPK- | US92855W1027 |
VizConnect Inc -OTCPK- | US92856B2060 |
Voyager Digital Ltd -OTCQB- | CA92919V1085 |
Voyant International Corp -Grey- | US92909W1080 |
VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp -OTCPK- | CA91834N1006 |
VU1 Corp -OTCPK- | US9292122077 |
Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd-OTCPK- | AU0000066086 |
Wallbridge Mining Co Ltd --OTCPK- | CA9323971023 |
Wallstreet Securities Inc -OTCPK- | US93265W1045 |
Water Now Inc -OTCPK- | US94114L1098 |
Water Technologies Intl Inc -OTCPK- | US94114G2093 |
Wave Sync Corp -OTCPK- | US94353G2093 |
Wayland Group Corp -OTCPK- | CA9442041062 |
Weatherford Int PLC -OTCPK- | IE00BLNN3691 |
Web Blockchain Media Inc -OTCPK- | US94734A1034 |
Wegener Corp -OTCPK- | US9485851045 |
Wellstar International Inc-Grey- | US9499022096 |
WellTek Inc -OTCPK- | US9504082036 |
Wentworth Energy Inc -Grey- | US9506782013 |
Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd -OTCPK- | CA95083R1001 |
West Coast Ventures Group Corp -OTCPK- | US9522131062 |
West Red lake Gold Mines -OTCQB- | CA9555621031 |
Westaim Corp -OTCPK- | CA9569093037 |
Western Magnesium Corp -OTCQB- | US95855T1025 |
Western Uranium Corp -OTCQX- | CA95985D1006 |
WGI Holdings Inc -Grey- | US9292701060 |
White Rock Minerals Ltd -OTCQX- | AU000000WRM6 |
Wild Brush Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US9680772061 |
Wind Works Power Corp -OTCPK- | US97315W1053 |
Winning Brands Corp -OTCPK- | US9750122049 |
Winston Gold Corp -OTCQB- | CA97562T1021 |
Wisdom Homes of America Inc -Grey- | US97717U2024 |
WOD Retail Solutions Inc -Grey- | US92939X1000 |
Woodbrook Group Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US9788872060 |
World Am Inc -Grey- | US98142E6077 |
World Moto Inc -Grey- | US98158H1068 |
Worldflix Inc -OTCPK- | US98137D2009 |
Worthington Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US98180T3005 |
Wowio Inc -OTCPK- | US98212D3070 |
WRIT Media Group Inc -OTCPK- | US9825492062 |
Wuling Motors Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | BMG9604B1090 |
Wyncrest Group Inc -Grey- | US9830922061 |
XcelPlus International Inc. -OTCPK- | US98389V1061 |
Xenonics Holdings Inc -OTCPK- | US9841171013 |
Xfuels Inc -OTCPK- | US98421A1025 |
Xinjiang Goldwind Science &Tech Co-OTCPK | CNE100000PP1 |
Xmet Inc -OTCPK- | CA98376P1045 |
XR Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US9838101023 |
XSport Global Inc -OTCPK- | US9841611091 |
Xtera Communications Inc -OTCPK- | US98415E3009 |
Xtra Energy Corp -OTCPK- | US98419D1000 |
Xynergy Holdings Inc -Grey- | US9841542031 |
YaSheng Group -OTCPK- | US98508U1043 |
YBCC Inc -OTCPK- | US9842091061 |
YogaWorks Inc -OTCPK- | US9860051062 |
Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd -OTCPK- | SG1T74931364 |
You Han Data Tech Co Ltd -OTCPK- | US9874101077 |
Youngevity International Inc-OTCPK- | US9875372065 |
Youngevity Intl Inc-D- 9.75%- Pref-OTCPK | US9875373055 |
Yuhe International Inc -Grey- | US9884321004 |
Yuma Energy Inc -OTCPK- | US98872F2048 |
ZaZa Energy Corp -Grey- | US98919T4076 |
Zecotek Photonics Inc -OTCPK- | CA98921P1045 |
Zenergy International Inc -Grey- | US98935D1054 |
Zhong Hui Dao Ming Copper -OTCPK- | US98952J1007 |
Zinco do Brasil Inc -OTCPK- | US98959T1016 |
Zoom Technologies Inc -Grey- | US98976E4008 |
ZST Digital Networks Inc -OTCPK- | US98878T2087 |