Saxo offers a wide range of instruments that can be traded on our platforms. You can search for an instrument by name, symbol code or ISIN code. If you are unable to find a specific instrument, it is possible to request an instrument to be added and we will explore if this is possible.
To request an instrument to be added to the platform, please raise a support ticket with the subject Instrument request where you clearly indicate:
- Instrument type (e.g. CFD, Stock)
- Name of the company
- ISIN Code
- Exchange
We will then review your request and get back to you.
Please note that Classic and Platinum clients will be charged a fee of USD 200 for each new instrument added. VIP clients may request new instrument free of charge. The fee will be charged only when the requested instruments are successfully implemented. To check your current account tier, please go to the "Account" section of the platform and select the "Saxo Rewards" tab.