P/L or PnL stands for Profit and Losses. It can be displayed for individual positions, entire accounts, and over specific time periods. Learn more about performance, returns and P/L below:
Understanding P/L on the 'Position details'
The total profit/loss of a position in your account currency is defined as the total cash flow at the opening, evaluated against the total (estimated) cash flow at closing.
Learn more here
How do I read the Performance Overview on SaxoTraderGO?
The Performance overview refers to the P/L of an entire account, and also on the individual position level.
Learn how to read the Performance Overview in SaxoTraderGO here
How is 1 day return calculated?
1 day return is accessible in SaxoInvestor, SaxoTraderGO and SaxoTraderPRO, providing insights into daily fluctuations in your Account Value.
Learn more about 1 day return and how it is calculated here
How do I read the P/L Summary?
The P/L summary shows the Instrument P/L for all open positions; for each trading day. That is to say, the difference between the Position Value at the start of the trading day and the Position Value at the end of the trading day, for open positions.
Read more about the P/L Summary here
How is Monthly Total P/L calculated?
Monthly Total P/L is the sum of Total P/L for a given calendar month, from the first trading day in the month to the last trading day in that month.
Read more here
What are Winning Percentage Trades?
The winning percentage trades give the percentage of trades with a positive realised P/L, relative to the number of total trades executed within the investment period.
Read about Winning Percentage Trade and how it is calculated here
What are Winning Percentage Days?
The winning percentage days represent the proportion of profitable days within the year-to-date period, relative to the total number of trading days.
Read more about Winning Percentage Days and how it is calculated here
How are percentage returns calculated?
The Daily Percentage Return includes realised and unrealised profits, and capital gains and costs (including fees, dividends, coupon payments and other corporate action distributions).
Read more about percentage returns and how it is calculated here
What is the time-weighted rate of return?
Learn about the time-weighted rate of return and how it's calculated here
How do I calculate PnL - FIFO Method?
The FIFO valuation method assumes that the securities that are purchased into a portfolio (or Account) first, are sold out first. Therefore, the costs that are incurred first are recognised first.
Learn how to calculate P/L with the FIFO Method here
How do I calculate PnL Mark-to-market Method?
The mark-to-market valuation method works on the premise of valuing positions at their current market value.
Learn how to calculate PnL with the Mark-to-market Method here
What is the difference between Total P/L and Cumulative P/L?
Learn about the difference between Total P/L and Cumulative P/L here
What is the difference between Position P/L and Position Bookings?
Position P/L are the changes in the Account resulting only from all security-related activities (realised and unrealised activities). The realised position profit/ loss only takes into account the sum of security-related cash movements (realised activities), over a specified period of time.
Learn what is included in Position P/L and Position Bookings here
Why could there potentially be a conflict between Absolute Return and Return in Percentage?
Learn the difference and why there potentially could be a difference here