Net Free Equity (NFE) is:
- The value-dated cash balance of your main trading account, plus or minus cash balances on your sub-accounts in the same currency
- Plus or minus any unrealized profits or losses from open CFDs, FX Forwards, and Futures on your main trading account and sub-accounts in the same currency
- Plus the market value of any FX Options on your main trading account and sub-accounts in the same currency
- Minus any margin required for financing open positions on your main trading account and sub-accounts regardless of sub-account currency
Cash collateral for NFE margin financing may differ from the trading margin requirement. See the full list of cash collateral for margin financing used for Net Free Equity calculation under our General Business Terms, located here.
NFE is used to calculate interest on your main (primary) account.
To avoid paying overdraft interest on your account you are required to hold sufficient cash collateral ensuring a positive NFE.
Interest is calculated daily and settled monthly - within seven business days after the end of each calendar month.
To view the NFE details:
- Navigate to the main menu
> Download report > Account Interest Details
Additional information regarding Net Free Equity can be found by clicking here.
If you would like to see examples how interest is calculated, please refer to this article.