1 day return is accessible in SaxoInvestor, SaxoTraderGO and SaxoTraderPRO, providing insights into daily fluctuations in your Account Value.
- What is 1 day return?
- How is 1 day return calculated?
- Where can I find my 1 day return?
- Cost To Close
What is 1 day return?
The 1 day return represents the change in your account's value since the previous day.
Where can I find my 1 day return?
To view your 1 day return, navigate to the Portfolio tab > 1 day return as shown below:
Please note that calculations may vary depending on whether extended hours trading is enabled. It will be stated like below if extended hours trading is enabled.
How is 1 day return calculated?
The 1 day return is calculated as the change in Account Value (the difference between the current day's Account Value and the previous day's Account Value), excluding closing costs and cash flows:
If the intra-day cash flow (deposits-withdrawals) is positive:
If the intra-day cash flow (deposits-withdrawals) is negative:
Cost To Close
The real-time Account Value includes the cost to close positions, however, these costs are not incorporated in the historical Account Value from the previous day. To calculate the 1 day return, the Account Value is adjusted for the costs to close - such as commission, exchange fees, stamp duty etc.
The overall sum of the costs to close can be viewed in Account Details: |
The costs to close for a selected position can be viewed in Position Details: |