When you select an instrument our platform provides you with the Product overview that includes information such as the market it is traded on, opening hours, charts, news and data to help you make informed investment decisions.
In the case of stocks and CFDs on stocks, you will also find the Analysis tab that includes the Average rating and Target price.
Average rating and Target price are computed by Factset based on brokers' recommendations received over the past 100 days. When a broker issues several recommendations over the past 100 days, only the most recent is retained. |
Average rating
Broker ratings are divided into five broad categories: Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, and Sell. Then, a score of between 1 and 3 is attributed to each category according to the table below:
Broker recommendation | Score |
Buy | 1 |
Overweight | 1.5 |
Hold | 2 |
Underweight | 2.5 |
Sell | 3 |
The above broker rating contributions are aggregated and averaged according to the table below to determine the Average rating:
Average Score | Average Rating |
Average Score <1.25 | Buy |
1.25 ≤ Average Score < 1.75 | Overweight |
1.75 ≤ Average Score < 2.25 | Hold |
2.25 ≤ Average Score < 2.75 | Underweight |
2.75 ≤ Average Score ≤ 3 | Sell |
Average rating history shows how it evolved in the last 6 months and an indicator will highlight any upgrade or downgrade in the last 7 days.
Target price Implied return
Target price is the average of brokers’ estimates. Implied return conveys its distance vs the current price.